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I usually don't cuss words out loud, but my 1 year old nephew has been the most annoying baby for the past few days... He keeps crying and yelling for nothing, I couldn't take it anymore and cussed out loud... I want to slap the little brat so bad, but that would only worsen the bad karma that I already built by thinking mean things about him... Sorry, but he's pushing my patience to the limit and all of us blow up when that happens.

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Just had my first night shift only had 4 hours asleep after being awake 25 hours and I can't sleep anymore, I feel fucked up.

Kuksenkov said:
I usually don't cuss words out loud, but my 1 year old nephew has been the most annoying baby for the past few days... He keeps crying and yelling for nothing, I couldn't take it anymore and cussed out loud... I want to slap the little brat so bad, but that would only worsen the bad karma that I already built by thinking mean things about him... Sorry, but he's pushing my patience to the limit and all of us blow up when that happens.

You should get that checked bud, it's just a one year old and usuallt they don't just cry for no reason. 

It's like yelling and cursing at a bird that's flying, it's what they do.

I'm just annoyed that keeps getting hacked for some strange reason...

dat music doe

trashleg said:
Gilgamesh said:
trashleg said:
It never fucking stops. 2014 isn't quite done kicking me in the lady-balls just yet. My grampa died on Tuesday, and my psycho nana won't let any of us attend the funeral. Fuck everything.

Why won't she let anyone at the funeral???

Because she had a big fight with my mum a few months ago. It's all done and dusted now, my grampa's at peace and I have no more contact with her or my dad. Ayaaa.

Well hopefully things get better in Trashlegs life, we miss you around here. It's been a while since you posted about the things going on in your life so hopefully things are looking up now.

Around the Network

I finished Bioshock Infinite today. Wow. Just wow. I love it. The ending upsets me, but I like it.

In terms of life, things are looking up. I cut my dad and the rest of my toxic family out of my life, at least for the time being, and I'm in the final year of my PhD. I don't think that's going very well to be honest, but I'm happy enough that the days are being counted down :D

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

I think I'm going to get married before the end of this year. It's time.

The following post will be made entirely with the highlighted word of my tablet's prediction feature. Only the first word will be chosen by me:

The new York NY and I don't know if you are you are you.

I don't know if you are you are you

I was a lot of the new York

Let me know if you have any questions about this message in the new York

How to get a lot of this email address so that the new York.

There you have it, folks.