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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Conduit vs. Halo 3

^That still doesn't change the fact that countless other sites have done comparison videos with 360/PS3 games even though the graphics are EXACTLY THE SAME!

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Anyone that thinks that The Conduit comes close to Halo 3 is kidding themselves. Not only was the creator comparing the most touched up Conduit footage to the most butchered Halo 3 footage, but even a couple of seconds of looking at the environments would show which games looks better. Even a biased video can't hide that.

Halo 3 was never supposed to be an amazing looking game, and the cartoonish style wasn't designed for resolution and spec comparisons. If fans of The Conduit are so confident in their game's graphics, they should try comparing similar footage in a game that was actually aiming towards a small degree of realism. Maybe they could compare some footage from The Conduit to Gears of War 2 (no touch-ups, sorry Conduit fans).

The Conduit could end up being a really fun game with graphics that are impressive for the Wii, but the fans of the game kill it when they try to take on the HD shooters. If (and my hope, when) The Conduit is a high selling, high quality original shooter for the Wii, then we can talk about the Wii competing in the shooter genre. In the mean time shut up.



ITT desperate Wii fanboys try to claim their games look better than the HD consoles, but then go back to saying 'I don't care about graphics' when proven wrong.

halo 3 is obviously 30+ times better than the conduit...

Why is this thread still going? Even most Wii supporters know this is nonsense, Nintendo is no longer fighting for the best graphics.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

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where the fuck are all these goddamn microsoft fanboys coming from?

you say Halo 3 and boom! the website is flooded with 'em.

...and I thought the ninty fanboys were bad...

TheTruthHurts! said:

          OK Daileon, I'll bite. 

          So if the 94% metacritic high average is assigned to Halo 3 strictly due to the hype of the game, what base (%)deduction do you personally assign to a "hyped" game so that I may apply/re-apply them to all on the "hyped" games on the below list (mind you this list is not even remotely complete)........

          Super Smash Brother Brawl, MGS4, GTAIV, Halo3, Gears 2, KZ2, RFOM2, LBP, WKC, not to mention the upcoming "hyped" titles that include.......oh.....what's that.........THE CONDUIT!   

           You act like I am bashing the Wii (I own and love), instead, I consider it more defending an awesome game like Halo 3 (I own and love).  Dont pull the "games are not nearly as good due to hype" card, unless you plan on applying that same disposition to ALL titles in the hype category.  Otherwise you will quickly alienate a growing list of awesome games that include Wii titles. 


No no no no... I said about the overhyped games, like Halo, MGS, GTA, maybe even Zelda. Nothing "system-related". It's common sense that reviewers look at these games "differently", and are generous with the numerical score.

The Conduit don't even get near that hype level, so it don't have the chance to get these scores.


^Click on cards to level'em up!!!^ =D

I only like The Conduit because of it's controls... I would like Halo 3 with wiimote controls also.

whorenraged said:
I only like The Conduit because of it's controls... I would like Halo 3 with wiimote controls also.

Pretty much the same here (and because of online multiplayer). The nice graphics are just icing on the cake (hopefully the cake tastes great, all I've been hearing from previews now-a-days is how good the icing looks. Come on previewers, tell me how the cake tastes, as I can already see how the icing looks.)

But yeah, I just saw the title and knew that nothing constructive could come from this discussion. I mean, even the thread itself couldn't handle the craziness, just look at it.

But anyways, here's hoping the cake is delicious!

Of course HALO 3 has better graphics, and The Wii will never have the graphics of the PS3 or Xbox 360, everybody knows that, it's a fact! but jeez people calm down we are just saying the The Conduit has great graphics for beig a Wii game

we get a Wii game with good graphics and all HD console fans get all mad :|