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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Conduit vs. Halo 3

big_boss said:
twesterm said:
big_boss said:
Wow The Conduit looks terrible and the gameplay looks like shit. This game will bomb hard, really hard. Wii fans stick with comparison that make sense like We Cheer and some new Bratz game but don't compare any HD game on the 360 or PS3 to anything on the Wii because HD games will always win no matter how good the games are.

Halo 3 isn't really in HD in that video plus its in low quality and still blows The Conduit away. The Wii was never a power house for graphics in the first place and it never will. Wii fans deal with it. Your games will always look bad.

This is your one and only warning: If you don't have anything constructive to add to the thread just don't bother posting.

If this is the how you're planning on continuing to act, save me the trouble of banning you and just don't come back.



It is my opinion and I stick by it. Don't try and scare me with the ban hammer twesterm because unlike some people on this site I'm not intimidate plus my sure there have been others on this site who have gotten way with alot worse while you were on especially Wii fans.


Why not just keep your mouth shut if you have nothing constructive to say. You're clearly not here to have a discussion, so don't speak.

Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!

Around the Network
Kantor said:
THAT was the Conduit?

THAT's been hyped to have amazing graphics?

Oh, dear.


It does have amazing graphics, and it obviously scares the hell out of you. Sorry you're being left behind.


And the main hype, has been the controls. At this point it's not "wii fps may have good controls", because thanks to Moh2, MP3, and CoD5, we all know for a fact that we have the superior fps controls in console gaming.

Oh dear.

Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!

Shanobi, stop being so power hungry and condescending. You're not instantly winning arguments with your 1-3 line posts, so stop acting that way.



They both look like unoriginal FPS. Oh, the graphics...

We know that the 360 has better graphics than the Wii right? I mean really. I love the Wii more than any other video game system but no one should be scared of any of their games due to their graphics. I am much more interested in the supposedly awesome customizable controls that the Conduit will have.

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Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

Shanobi said:
Kantor said:
THAT was the Conduit?

THAT's been hyped to have amazing graphics?

Oh, dear.


It does have amazing graphics, and it obviously scares the hell out of you. Sorry you're being left behind.


And the main hype, has been the controls. At this point it's not "wii fps may have good controls", because thanks to Moh2, MP3, and CoD5, we all know for a fact that we have the superior fps controls in console gaming.

Oh dear.

This game's engine was hyped months before the primary concept for the game was even made aware. The graphics were the primary draw when it was still vapor.

Around the Network
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Snesboy said:
SleepWaking said:
Maybe the point of the video wasn't only to show a graphic comparison but also a comparison of controls. I think everybody here is overreacting.






That's what I said on page 1!  No respect I say no respect!

Anyway I saw one of the guys post a link to this earlier so I'm going to embed it, for a reference point when people say the Conduit looks worse then Halo 2 did on the Xbox.


Sorry. I didn't read the entire thread.

This is flawed---even if its on the low end of what the 360 can do its still going to look nicer then the conduit b/c it has more hardware room to wiggle with

A fairer comparison would have been halo 2 which was the high end of what the original xbox could handle

And since the wii is les then the 360 but greater then the xbox the video should have shown how much better the conduit looks then the xbox on a great day instead of ow less it is then the 30 on an off day

I mean I love my little white knight here but come on don’t feed the trolls and this comparison only gives fuel to the zealous xbots and those that wish to take away from the game and what the wii can do.


MontanaHatchet said:
Shanobi, stop being so power hungry and condescending. You're not instantly winning arguments with your 1-3 line posts, so stop acting that way.


Oh yeah, power hungry and condescending. I guess I have power, since I got you to reply to me.


2 lines.

Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!

Shanobi said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Shanobi, stop being so power hungry and condescending. You're not instantly winning arguments with your 1-3 line posts, so stop acting that way.


Oh yeah, power hungry and condescending. I guess I have power, since I got you to reply to me.


2 lines.


 What's that supposed to mean? It took you 2 lines to actually look power hungry, consescending and a braggish moron?

It seems like you somehow think you "won" the argument there (in 2 lines), but that couldn't really be farther from the truth.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Oyvoyvoyv said:
Shanobi said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Shanobi, stop being so power hungry and condescending. You're not instantly winning arguments with your 1-3 line posts, so stop acting that way.


Oh yeah, power hungry and condescending. I guess I have power, since I got you to reply to me.


2 lines.


 What's that supposed to mean? It took you 2 lines to actually look power hungry, consescending and a braggish moron?

It seems like you somehow think you "won" the argument there (in 2 lines), but that couldn't really be farther from the truth.


There's an arguement?


As far as I can see, there's just two people calling names and hurling insults. Sorry if you can't handle people telling trolls to keep their opinions to themselves.


Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!