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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Bioshock 2 To Feature Multiplayer.

It appears that Bioshock 2: Sea of Dreams will have a multiplayer mode, and will be available for the PC,PS3,and 360.


The following is a recent posting on’s job listings section:


Leading multiple engineers within a proven team to design and build a network frontend and backend support for an action-packed AAA multiplayer title

• Advising engineers on how to properly architect their systems for optimal multiplayer support

• Extending and enhancing Unreal Engine 3 with proprietary networking tech to address gameplay, performance, platform, production, tools, and QA needs

• Interfacing with Microsoft, Sony, and other providers for matching-making and other services

• Working with the Technical Director, Lead Programmer, and IT Director to plan and execute major changes to core technology or backend services

• Responsible for delivering a robust, scalable, and responsive multiplayer gameplay code and backend services for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 platforms

The BioShock team is betting big on multiplayer and plans to stay at the top of the charts– we’re careful about the problems we tackle, innovative in our approach, solid in our implementation, and we polish the heck out of everything we do. Right now we’re looking for an exceptional individual to direct the development of this multiplayer experience through a combination of leadership, design, coding, and daily problem solving on the gameplay networking and backend server components.

This is the same source who said a price cut for Wii so take it with grain of salt altough it could happen u never know.


Around the Network

I wonder if this game will be released day to day with the 360 version or will there be some sort of timed exclusive deal made?

I personally think that games do not need to have multiplayer aspects... i mean Uncharted and Heavenly Sword never had these and were both still fabulous games!

I guess we will knoe pretty soon.

I only played the demo of Bioshock not my type of game but it was ok.


does it have splitscreen

Not quite. This is for 2K Boston, who made the first BioShock. 2K Marin is developing BioShock 2. So this is for a whole new game.

Around the Network

i dont think bioshock needs a online multiplayer mode, unless its a co-op mode. the 1st game was very good because of the atmosphere and story, and the only thing that could make it better would be a offline and online co-op mode. anything more i think will take away that special something from the game.





competitive multiplayer won't suit Bioshock however co-operative will

Initiating social expirement #928719281

Multiplayer in Bioshock... wtf.
Very sad news.

Bioshock is a story-driven experience, the creators should focus on single player.

If I want multiplayer, I know where to go (Gears of War, Halo, COD)

If I want an immersive experience, I don't need multiplayer (Mass Effect, Bioshock, Dead Space).

Multiplayer + Bioshock = DO NOT WANT.


My Gaming Setup

Squall_Leonhart said:
I wonder if this game will be released day to day with the 360 version or will there be some sort of timed exclusive deal made?

I personally think that games do not need to have multiplayer aspects... i mean Uncharted and Heavenly Sword never had these and were both still fabulous games!

They were, but many people on here felt they were rentals because they were relatively short games with no multiplayer. Good multiplayer is a way to encourage a buy instead of a rent.

Personally I don't care if they add multplayer in Bioshock 2 as long as their concentration stays on the single player experience. If the MP sucks then whatever, we just won't play it, like how Metal Gear Online is thought by many to be subpar but they still thoroughly enjoyed it's single player. However, if it does work and it gets a nice following then it'll be that much better of a series.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

So it's just multi-player online? what the hell ever happened to multiplayer offline, doesn't people like to play the multi-player campaign games with there friends at home?? theres barely any games like that anymore.