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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wow. I just finished prince of persia (Spoilers)

I didn't really like it, the game's average IMO. Excepted beautiful graphics, there is nothing special in this game. Too short, too repetitive, sometimes a bit boring, "empty world", weird level design (do you really have the feeling you're "visiting" a kingdom?).

But I hope ubi will make a sequel cause it has the potential to be a great game with more work behind it.

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sunil247 said:

More details on the dlc

San Francisco - January 29, 2009 - Today Ubisoft revealed new details about Prince of Persia Epilogue Downloadable Content (DLC). Scheduled to release for consoles February 26, 2009, Prince of Persia DLC continues the story of the Prince and Elika with a brand-new epic adventure. Game features include:

New Region: The Underground Palace - A corrupted underground palace from which the Prince and Elika need to escape in a new epic journey.

New Power: Energize - Reconstruct destroyed areas of the environment to create a path and rush through it before it vanishes.

New high pace: The new trap challenge - The Prince and Elika will face more cunning foes, cleverer traps and level design, adding more to the difficulty level in over 3 hours of gameplay.

New Attack: Sprinting Clash - A duel move that lets you or the enemy trigger a sprint attack, charging towards each other, clashing your weapons fiercely.

New Unlockable Skins: Finish the game and unlock exclusively, from the early development of the game, the Prototype characters of the Prince and Elika.

Quoting myself :) - here is more info on the DLC (interview)


Well, here's my two cents.

The platforming was brilliant. The death system was perfectly implemented for the platforming. Brilliant.

The soundtrack was, again, brilliant.

The graphics were very well done.

The voice acting was a little annoying in that these two Middle Eastern people were speaking in American accents, but it was still good, unlike a certain "Assassin's Creed"

It was repetitive, but not as repetitive as Assassin. The environments were varied, but I just wanted a bit more depth.

I am in the minority that thought the combat worked very well, but seriously Ubisoft, stop holding our hands here. If we die, make us restart the fight. We'll hate you for now, but like you more in the long term.

I'd give it 8.8/10. Solid game, needed a few improvements. Better than Warrior Within (obviously), not as good as Sands of Time or The Two Thrones.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Loved it and am really looking forward to the DLC and a sequel. Funny too, as it is the 1st PoP that I have bought.

Playing and finishing games first>>>>>>>>>>Then talking!

Opinions are subjective and just like moods, can change.

TOP 12: Deus Ex, Shadow Man, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturn, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Metroid Prime, Zelda (series), Uncharted (series), FF Tactics, Persona (series), Demons Souls, Vagrant Story.

MOST WANTED: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Last Guardian, ICO/Shadow OTC HD

sunil247 said:

More details on the dlc

San Francisco - January 29, 2009 - Today Ubisoft revealed new details about Prince of Persia Epilogue Downloadable Content (DLC). Scheduled to release for consoles February 26, 2009, Prince of Persia DLC continues the story of the Prince and Elika with a brand-new epic adventure. Game features include:

New Region: The Underground Palace - A corrupted underground palace from which the Prince and Elika need to escape in a new epic journey.

New Power: Energize - Reconstruct destroyed areas of the environment to create a path and rush through it before it vanishes.

New high pace: The new trap challenge - The Prince and Elika will face more cunning foes, cleverer traps and level design, adding more to the difficulty level in over 3 hours of gameplay.

New Attack: Sprinting Clash - A duel move that lets you or the enemy trigger a sprint attack, charging towards each other, clashing your weapons fiercely.

New Unlockable Skins: Finish the game and unlock exclusively, from the early development of the game, the Prototype characters of the Prince and Elika.



Well it seems like i'm in the few who thought practically everything was awesome in the game.


Like Munkeh said. "It's relaxing to play" and that stuff is great because it's a epic adventure. I don't wanna be stuck in a fight, i don't wanna get frustrated when i have to do these somewhat 20 combo things before i can get further. Etc. It's one of those games where i feel like you just gotta enjoy the ride.


Check out my game about moles ^

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HanzoTheRazor said:
Loved it and am really looking forward to the DLC and a sequel. Funny too, as it is the 1st PoP that I have bought.


Yea me too man. And i didn't actually like the old ones. Well not enough to complete any of them anyways..this game though is on a entirely different level.

Check out my game about moles ^

yea the PoP is awesome i bought it just a few weeks ago and dammnn its looks pretty, even the corrupted lands look great.

as for the ending, it was good. The Kingdom was saved but the whole place was deserted a long time ago. Prince made a good choice of releasing Ahriman, and resurrected elika.

Now the Prince and Elika has to find the good god( forgot the name ) on the next PoP.