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Forums - Sales Discussion - Megaton: Wii Sports is NOT the highest selling game ever! Not even close.

From where I am looking Tetris is a puzzle game where the game provides the tools to build your own content. A much less complex version of LBP I guess.

WTF? In that case, Gears of War also provides tools to build my own content, as I can push some chairs and other furniture around, maybe pile them up on top of some corpses.


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Wii Sports is the best selling game on a single system. This is how VGChartz tracks sales.


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NJ5 your brilliant, now just put that into perspective, that quality wouldn't be a part of the game unless it could enrich the game.

Also a level editor is not exactly tetris but here's something else for you.

A game named Graal allowed you do design your own levels, the art direction was similar to Zelda:ALTTP In the end the function was to allow administrates the ability to easily create levels, but the level editor worked in such an accesible way that it was opened to the public and Stephan Knorr saw a massive boom in applicable clients, most of which were gamers, each had their own team of players who worked with this editor.

The end result was much more content and thus much more people as Graal ended up with several versions, consider it LBP long long before LBP even became a notion.

Some players even made an FF Zelda Ogre Tactics type game that worked like an MMO.

I hope that example clarifies my point on what gaming is.

By synonym gaming in the language we are using it in is electronic interactive entertainment. The only part of that in contention is "entertainment", it couldn't be a coincidence that what entertains people is subjective.

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FreeTalkLive said:
Wii Sports is the best selling game on a single system. This is how VGChartz tracks sales.


It seems to be how everybody tracked sales, before the Wii became successful.

(BTW, I'll bet that all of these arguments are really only about Wii Sports not being #1; if an HD game crawls its way up the ladder to say the #8 spot or something, you won't hear anything about how Tetris, Solitaire, Bejeweled, etc., pushes it way down the list.  You'll just hear how that game is #8, all time.)

So Tetris is all one game regardless of the programmer, developer, or platform of which there are many.

The scoring is different in a lot these games the rewards for getting scores changes sigificantly between games. The graphics presentation changes too.

I could see if you were talking about multiple releases but some versions of tetris competed amongst themselves.

On VGChartz we have this for Tetris

Pos Game Console Publisher Hits Score Sales Last Update
1 Tetris Nintendo 6,073 N/A 30.26m 05th Apr 08
2 Tetris DS Nintendo 3,560 N/A 2.66m 22nd Aug 08
3 Tetris Nintendo 1,482 N/A 5.58m 10th Nov 07
4 Tetris DX Unknown 997 N/A 1.93m 02nd Dec 07
5 Tetris Worlds THQ 938 N/A 1.66m 08th Dec 08
6 Tetris Plus Jaleco 885 N/A 2.03m 27th Jun 08

With GB tetris being bundled.

Super Mario also makes an appearance on the GBA it is the same game does it count towards the original.

What if Super Mario were to be released on PSN by Sony? Does it count towards the original sales or as a PSN version.

Sales tracking has a lot to do with who gets the money as well. GTA 4 on the PS3 and 360 get counted together as one because it is the same developer meaning it is a relevant number to Rockstar while the other notable number per console is also reflected because it reflects user base demographics and so forth.

Tetris itself may almost be considered a sub-genre of the puzzle game world. Where it denotes any puzzle game that is revolved around 4 blocks there are a ton of variations on tetris that are not classical tetris like Tetris Sphere or that one shooting tetris game.

Tetris is a phenomon but as far as tracking goes it is all over the place the closest to a Coherent mega buster is the GB version and there is almost no tracking for the Mac and PC versions in the 90's but I can be fairly confident it is not in the tens of millions though it is very high( Macs were hitting an all time low in the mid 90s in terms of popularity)

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Discussion about new features nonexistant in original Tetris:

Soft drops were first implemented in Nintendo releases of Tetris so that pieces would be able to drop faster while not lock as to slide into gaps. The other option is hard dropping, which originated in early PC games such as Microsoft Tetris, a game developed by Dave Edson and bundled with Microsoft Entertainment Pack. With hard dropping, a piece falls and locks in one frame. Newer Tetris games feature both options. Some games have their locking roles reversed, with soft dropping making the pieces drop faster and locking down, and hard dropping making the pieces drop instantly but not lock.

Single direction rotation is an older restriction that has since been ruled out in nearly every new official release by the favor of separate buttons for clockwise and one for counterclockwise rotation. In traditional games, the unsymmetrical vertical orientation I-, Z-, and S-pieces will fill the same columns for each clockwise and counter clockwise rotation. Some games vary this by allowing two possible column orientations: one for counter clockwise and one for clockwise rotations. Double rotation, only seen in progressive clones such as Quadra and DTET, rotates the piece 180 degrees.

One of the features most appreciated by skilled players is wall kick, or the ability of rotating the pieces even if these touch the left or right walls. In the NES version, for example, if a Z piece is "vertically" aligned and falling touching the left wall, the player cannot rotate the piece, giving the impression that the rotate buttons are locked. In this situation, the player has to move the piece one position to the right before rotating it, losing precious time. Proper implementations of wall kick first appeared in the arcade version of Tetris by Atari Games.

Piece preview allows a look at the next piece to enter the field. This feature has been implemented since the earliest games, though in those early games, having the preview turned on made the score increase more slowly.

[edit] Newest features

Newer versions of Tetris add different scoring goals not present in traditional Tetris. As achieving these goals while not topping out becomes more difficult, these games usually add a few features to help the player.

The New Tetris and The Next Tetris are the first official Tetris games to feature multiple piece previews, showing 3 in advance. Tetris Worlds for PCs and game consoles add 5 more, while the GBA version retaines the 3 piece preview. Tetris DS uses the 6-piece preview.

The "phantom piece" (referred to in some versions, such as the Tetris Mania cell phone game, as the "ghost") is a feature that shows an obscuration in the shape of the current piece over where that piece would drop. The feature disposes with the old problem of misdrops and is relatively new.

Hold piece is an optional ability to reserve a piece for later use, allowing a player to either avoid undesirable pieces or save desirable ones, usually the I piece or a piece needed to complete another goal. Some clones featured it as a powerup that the player could earn and use once. A hold piece available to the player at all times was first featured in The New Tetris. Games that have hold piece generally activate it when the player presses both rotate buttons simultaneously or when the player presses a dedicated button, depending on the game. When hold piece is activated, it causes the falling piece to move to the top and trade places with the hold piece. However, the feature cannot be activated twice in a row; a piece released from the hold must be dropped into the well.

Initial rotation and Initial hold are features that make the game accept rotation/hold button inputs while the next piece is still in the preview area. With initial rotation, when the player holds down the rotation button after the previous piece has locked down but before the next piece comes into the well, the next piece will come into the well in an already rotated state. Initial hold works similarly, as the piece will be already swapped with the hold piece when it enters the well. Initial rotation and Initial hold first appeared in the Tetris: The Grand Master series.


Original Tetris:

Again, it's obviously not the same game.


I think Minesweeper has sold better than that, How many PCs are there in the world?

Times Banned: 12

Press----------------> <----------------Press

I imagine playing cards sell a lot as well. I mean casino's go through them like no ones business.

The real highest selling video games period goes something like the following

1. Minesweeper
2. Solitaire
3. Hearts
4. Spider Solitaire
5. That one pinball game..
6. Reverso
7. Bejeweled
8. Bejeweled 2
9 - 12. Some other Windows games
13. Wii Sports


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Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
ssj12 said:
The real highest selling video games period goes something like the following

1. Minesweeper
2. Solitaire
3. Hearts
4. Spider Solitaire
5. That one pinball game..
6. Reverso
7. Bejeweled
8. Bejeweled 2
9 - 12. Some other Windows games
13. Wii Sports


Bejeweled and Bejeweled 2 have sold 25 million units combined.