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So Tetris is all one game regardless of the programmer, developer, or platform of which there are many.

The scoring is different in a lot these games the rewards for getting scores changes sigificantly between games. The graphics presentation changes too.

I could see if you were talking about multiple releases but some versions of tetris competed amongst themselves.

On VGChartz we have this for Tetris

Pos Game Console Publisher Hits Score Sales Last Update
1 Tetris Nintendo 6,073 N/A 30.26m 05th Apr 08
2 Tetris DS Nintendo 3,560 N/A 2.66m 22nd Aug 08
3 Tetris Nintendo 1,482 N/A 5.58m 10th Nov 07
4 Tetris DX Unknown 997 N/A 1.93m 02nd Dec 07
5 Tetris Worlds THQ 938 N/A 1.66m 08th Dec 08
6 Tetris Plus Jaleco 885 N/A 2.03m 27th Jun 08

With GB tetris being bundled.

Super Mario also makes an appearance on the GBA it is the same game does it count towards the original.

What if Super Mario were to be released on PSN by Sony? Does it count towards the original sales or as a PSN version.

Sales tracking has a lot to do with who gets the money as well. GTA 4 on the PS3 and 360 get counted together as one because it is the same developer meaning it is a relevant number to Rockstar while the other notable number per console is also reflected because it reflects user base demographics and so forth.

Tetris itself may almost be considered a sub-genre of the puzzle game world. Where it denotes any puzzle game that is revolved around 4 blocks there are a ton of variations on tetris that are not classical tetris like Tetris Sphere or that one shooting tetris game.

Tetris is a phenomon but as far as tracking goes it is all over the place the closest to a Coherent mega buster is the GB version and there is almost no tracking for the Mac and PC versions in the 90's but I can be fairly confident it is not in the tens of millions though it is very high( Macs were hitting an all time low in the mid 90s in terms of popularity)