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Forums - Gaming Discussion - your most expenisve console purchase!

$400 for PS3.
All my birthday and Christmas savings too! *grumble grumble*

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$286 Canadian (with taxes) for a wii. Everything else has been $130 or under (before taxes).

Just console, ignoring cost of accessories. All prices in AU

$400 Wii
$250 GC + 3 games (2nd hand)
Whatever the RRP of a Sega Mega Drive was
$20 Sega Master System + a box of games (2nd hand, was bought after I already owned a Snes and Mega Drive)
$8 SNES (1st hand, about 3-4 years before the release of the PS1)

AU$400 for a Wii
I also paid AU$400 for an N64. That certainly felt a lot more expensive though...

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

Wii + SSBB = 1162RON($358,57).

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I also bought a NEO GEO, cost me $700 plus $200 a pop for games. Crazy when I think about it as an adult, but as a kid with no bills it was worth every penny. NAM 76 and Magician Lord were so heads and hells better than anything out at the time (graphically speaking).

Mostly I just traded games for credit. I remember my mom getting mad at me for spending so much money and only having a game or two to show for it. LOL

£425 PS3, though I did not pay it all myself, my £240 (inc 4 games) Xbox 360 is the most I have personally spend on a console

410€ for X360, extra controller and Halo 3.

£310 for my PS3 aug 07 with rfom, cod3 and motorstorm with an extra pad (courtesy of ebay); fortunately before they stopped making the 60gb model and the price skyrocketed!!!!

$200 for my PS2, it got DRE after a year, i was so pissed.

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