(Lets get a bit technical here)
Scripting - Everything happens similarly everytime you play the game over and over again. (Cod4 SP is nice example.)
Seek&Destroy AI - AI has two states, 1. Unaware of player 2. Aware of player. First AI is in state 1. and when it sees player/script is launched it will go into state 2. and never comes back to state 1.. Whatever player does AI always knows exactly where player is.
Forcing PC players to use similar controls to console controls - Yes, I am talking about oblivion for example. (Inventory menu was terrible!)
Only linear and way to go forward - Theres only two doors that are open in room. Buildings are designed so that one can only go through them in one way. Theres no escape from the pipe that you must go through! (Good example is TimeShift)
Stupid obstacles - Ok, so main character is the most powerful guy in the world, who can even move mountains, but he can't jump over some some fallen tree or small fence.
Only linear and illogical way to go forward - Ok, I am in a room and there seems to be no other way to get in than the door, which I used to get in. Finally after some serious searching you find a way out. It appears that you must blast your way through window, which is actually similar to those indestructible windows you have seen before in that game.
Linear game with alternative paths that you would think to be able to use, but when you try to use them you will die or something similar happens. (For example Half Life 2 when youre running on those rooftops, you could fall down and it doesn't even seem to be too high to be fatal, but it is fatal!)
Copy&Paste level design (Excellent example is Halo 1, that flood thing or whatever it was.)
Cutscene/forced talking sequence while mountain is coming down on you or something similar. (I think this one is clishee that is used in JRPGs. Theres always time for a nice chat!)
Forced talking sequences, that doesn't have really anything to do with going forward in game. - For example some characters might talk about their childhood & how they became perverts what*frigging*evah. (Yeah, mainly japanese games again.)
Leveling enemies - Enemies level depend on players level. (Oblivion, uh oh...)
Leveling Item drops - Items that one gets depends on players level. (Oblivion again... Daedra for all! Glass for all!! , you know Glass & Daedra are supposed to be extremely rare...)