windbane said:
Regardless, the PS2 version was better before the Wii version came out. Okami looks better on PS2, too. I'm not trying to put down the Wii, I just find it rather shocking that there aren't more quality games out. Like I say above, the PS2 almost has as many true exclusives as the Wii. Now, if you only have 1 console there are plenty of games to play, and I realize many prefer the controls for Okami (despite reports of it being inconsistent) and RE4. I'm just saying that it's been a strange platform so far.
It's obvious you know nothing of the Wii or gaming in general so I don't even care to get in a debate like this with you again... you don't have valid points or arguments and it's obvious you never will so I say good day, sir.
MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"
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