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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which companies(any company related to gaming) do you dislike/hate?

Uh, I guess capcom hasn't really impressed me but they did make REmake and Oracle of Ages/Seasons. If MHTri delivers, I'll be satisfied.

I guess nothing else.

I support Nintendo.

Well, I don't like RARE anymore. =/

Btw, anyone who argues that Nintendo had bad game policies obviously needs a history lesson.

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I support:
Square Enix
EA (well, some of their studios like EA BIG and Crytek)

I dislike:
Microsoft (their products are OK but fail way too much)

I hate:
Capcom (Portcom is how they should be called)






Ronster316 said:
mibuokami said:
Ronster316 said:
Drum roll................................................ SONY

two of many reasons are in my sig below.


You do realize that it was Nintendo that did the backstabbing right? Those 'diva' like demands were agreed upon in the initial part of the negotiation between Nintendo and Sony prior to any ground work and it was Nintendo that had the second thoughts and went behind Sony's back to create the N64. < not exactly unbias but their is a lot of facts in it.



Here's what really happened between Sony and Nintendo.

The first conceptions of the PlayStation date back to 1986. Nintendo had been attempting to work with disc technology since the Famicom, but the medium had problems. Its rewritable magnetic nature could be easily erased (thus leading to a lack of durability), and the discs were a copyright infringement danger. Consequently, when details of CDROM/XA (an extension of the CD-ROM format that combines compressed audio, visual and computer data, allowing all to be accessed simultaneously) came out, Nintendo was interested. CD-ROM/XA was being simultaneously developed by Sony and Philips. Nintendo approached Sony to develop a CD-ROM add-on, tentatively titled the "SNES-CD". A contract was signed, and work began. Nintendo's choice of Sony was due to a prior dealing: Ken Kutaragi, the person who would later be dubbed "The Father of PlayStation", was the individual who had sold Nintendo on using the Sony SPC-700 processor for use as the eight-channel ADPCM sound synthesis set in the Super Famicom/SNES console through an impressive demonstration of the processor's capabilities.

Sony also planned to develop another, Nintendo compatible, Sony-branded console, but one which would be more of a home entertainment system playing both Super Nintendo cartridges and a new CD format which Sony would design. This was also to be the format used in SNES-CD discs, giving a large degree of control to Sony despite Nintendo's leading position in the video gaming market.

The SNES-CD was to be announced at the June 1991 Consumer Electronics Show (CES). However, when Hiroshi Yamauchi read the original 1988 contract between Sony and Nintendo, he realized that the earlier agreement essentially handed Sony complete control over any and all titles written on the SNES CD-ROM format. Yamauchi decided that the contract was totally unacceptable and he secretly canceled all plans for the joint Nintendo-Sony SNES CD attachment. Instead of announcing a partnership between Sony and Nintendo, at 9 a.m. the day of the CES, Nintendo chairman Howard Lincoln stepped onto the stage and revealed that Nintendo was now allied with Philips, and Nintendo was planning on abandoning all the previous work Nintendo and Sony had accomplished. Lincoln and Minoru Arakawa had, unbeknown to Sony, flown to Philips headquarters in Europe and formed an alliance of a decidedly different nature—one that would give Nintendo total control over its licenses on Philips machines.

After the collapse of the joint project, Sony considered halting their research, but ultimately the company decided to use what they had developed so far and make it into a complete, stand alone console. As a result, Nintendo filed a lawsuit claiming breach of contract and attempted, in U.S. federal court, to obtain an injunction against the release of the PlayStation, on the grounds that Nintendo owned the name. The federal judge presiding over the case denied the injunction and, in October 1991, the first incarnation of the new Sony PlayStation was revealed. However, it is theorized that only 200 or so of these machines were ever produced.

By the end of 1992, Sony and Nintendo reached a deal whereby the "Sony Play Station" would still have a port for SNES games, but Nintendo would own the rights and receive the bulk of the profits from the games, and the SNES would continue to use the Sony-designed audio chip. However, Sony decided in early 1993 to begin reworking the "Play Station" concept to target a new generation of hardware and software. As part of this process the SNES cartridge port was dropped and the space between the names was removed.
Thanks to wikipedia for the above information (i copied it a long time ago hence no link)

The bottom line is this______________________________ Nintendo hired sony on the famicom-playstation project yet it was sony who wanted rights to the name, sonys contract was sneaky so thank god a nintendo rep saw the flaws in the contract and dropped sony.

Do you have a link to this?


This will only take a moment of your time. *steals your watch*

After the travesty that was Star Wars Galaxies, I have concluded that SOE is the fucking devil.

And with Activision canning all those games because "they can't be exploited every year on every platform," I sort of hate them as well.

Also: Gamestop.

Companies I like

5. SCE

Screw it, I'm not saying any companies I hate. I hereby turn this thread positive!

This will only take a moment of your time. *steals your watch*

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I would say Microsoft (original, I know). I think I have valid reasons though, firstly the obivous ones- RROD, no built in wifi (Even the damn DS has it), overpriced accessories, paying for online. And because of their poor handling of 1st/2nd party developers. They released Bungie, Bioware, Bizarre Creations- the creators of Halo, KOTOR and PGR, titles that defined the first Xbox. And now they're shutting down Ensemble and a couple others I forget. Not to mention their undeserved sense of accomplishment in PR statements- Nintendo and Sony accomplished FAR more with their first 2 consoles than Microsoft have.

They seem to care less about the Xbox brand than Sony and Nintendo care about theirs. They just don't seem to be as enthusiastic about videogames as the other 2. Sony have much more drive to have great games/franchises and great developers as part of their brand. I get the impression MS care more about the Xbox 360 becoming the "next PlayStation" instead of trying to strengthen the brand with entirely new IP's and 1st party games. I wouldn't say I "like" Sony or Nintendo, but for this reason I will always respect them more than Microsoft.


theRepublic said:
I hate GameStop.

Don't give your money to those bastards.


 What's wrong with Gamestop? I never had problems with them.

I hate EA in terms of computer gaming (DRM, install limitations) but am indifferent to them on consoles.

Kickin' Those Games Old School.       -       201 Beaten Games And Counting

indodude said:
theRepublic said:
I hate GameStop.

Don't give your money to those bastards.


 What's wrong with Gamestop? I never had problems with them.

None of the money they make buying and selling games goes to the developers who made the games.  I don't like that.  Their buy and sell prices for used games are a ripoff anyway.

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theRepublic said:
indodude said:
theRepublic said:
I hate GameStop.

Don't give your money to those bastards.


 What's wrong with Gamestop? I never had problems with them.

None of the money they make buying and selling games goes to the developers who made the games.  I don't like that.  Their buy and sell prices for used games are a ripoff anyway.

I agree with overpriced used games.  I bought Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn from them a month ago and they still had it priced at 39.99.  If only I could have found it somewhere else.

As to the buying and selling of used games, no money should go to the developer.  That is like saying you sell your used chair to someone for 100$ and then you go and pay the carpenter 25$.  It would be a nice thing to do, but that is not how capitalism works.

if you are talking about not giving developers money off of the new games they sell, I don't see how they can choose not to.  They buy the games from the publishers and then mark up the price to suggested retail.