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I would say Microsoft (original, I know). I think I have valid reasons though, firstly the obivous ones- RROD, no built in wifi (Even the damn DS has it), overpriced accessories, paying for online. And because of their poor handling of 1st/2nd party developers. They released Bungie, Bioware, Bizarre Creations- the creators of Halo, KOTOR and PGR, titles that defined the first Xbox. And now they're shutting down Ensemble and a couple others I forget. Not to mention their undeserved sense of accomplishment in PR statements- Nintendo and Sony accomplished FAR more with their first 2 consoles than Microsoft have.

They seem to care less about the Xbox brand than Sony and Nintendo care about theirs. They just don't seem to be as enthusiastic about videogames as the other 2. Sony have much more drive to have great games/franchises and great developers as part of their brand. I get the impression MS care more about the Xbox 360 becoming the "next PlayStation" instead of trying to strengthen the brand with entirely new IP's and 1st party games. I wouldn't say I "like" Sony or Nintendo, but for this reason I will always respect them more than Microsoft.