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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The official RE5 Demo impressions thread

coolestguyever said:
theres a few things I hate

1. The Aiming - Whats with the laser sight being your aimer? And when the laser isn't pointed at something dark (say the sky) you can't see where it is! Crosshairs work just fine.

2a. The Controls are bad. To shoot you have to hold LT and then press RT. It sounds fine but when theres a zombie 2 feet away from you your instinct is to just press RT to shoot him like hipfiring in CoD4 but it doesn't work!

2b. The other control problem is your knife. You have to hold LB to get the knife out then RT to use it. Sounds fine right. Whats could be wrong about that? Well I'll tell you. When your holding LB with you knife out YOU CAN'T MOVE!! why the fuck not? So what you have to do is go right up against them, stop, hold LB, and then you can knife them. You can't get your knife out, walk up and then use it. Its Bull Shit!

3. I know its just the demo but theres not enough ammo. Quite often you pick up pistol ammo in random spots, but theres no fucking ammo for your other gun. I've had a shotgun and you get 6 shots, an MP5 and I got something like 50 shots, and theres no ammo for these bigger guns. Only pistol ammo. And not enough of it. Do they think it makes the game harder when you have to conserve ammo like its a wartime ration? No it just makes it fucking unfair!

There are some good things though. The graphics are nice, its cool when the option comes up to do a special attack like a huge punch or kick. Its a pretty good game the zombies are fun to kill. Its annoying how when a zombie gets near you you have to shake it off by rotating the LS. That gets annoying fast considering how often they get to you unless your a master.

Overall its not a bad game, but I'd only give the demo a 6/10


most people, including me, what even less ammo.

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Phoenix_Wiight said:
coolestguyever said:
theres a few things I hate

1. The Aiming - Whats with the laser sight being your aimer? And when the laser isn't pointed at something dark (say the sky) you can't see where it is! Crosshairs work just fine.

2a. The Controls are bad. To shoot you have to hold LT and then press RT. It sounds fine but when theres a zombie 2 feet away from you your instinct is to just press RT to shoot him like hipfiring in CoD4 but it doesn't work!

2b. The other control problem is your knife. You have to hold LB to get the knife out then RT to use it. Sounds fine right. Whats could be wrong about that? Well I'll tell you. When your holding LB with you knife out YOU CAN'T MOVE!! why the fuck not? So what you have to do is go right up against them, stop, hold LB, and then you can knife them. You can't get your knife out, walk up and then use it. Its Bull Shit!

3. I know its just the demo but theres not enough ammo. Quite often you pick up pistol ammo in random spots, but theres no fucking ammo for your other gun. I've had a shotgun and you get 6 shots, an MP5 and I got something like 50 shots, and theres no ammo for these bigger guns. Only pistol ammo. And not enough of it. Do they think it makes the game harder when you have to conserve ammo like its a wartime ration? No it just makes it fucking unfair!

There are some good things though. The graphics are nice, its cool when the option comes up to do a special attack like a huge punch or kick. Its a pretty good game the zombies are fun to kill. Its annoying how when a zombie gets near you you have to shake it off by rotating the LS. That gets annoying fast considering how often they get to you unless your a master.

Overall its not a bad game, but I'd only give the demo a 6/10


most people, including me, what even less ammo.

Agreed.  Seems like Coolestguy wants this to be Left 4 Dead, which it was never meant to be.  I actually think they give you about 25% too much ammo.

I do agree about the knife, though--I think you should be able to inch forward slowly while holding it.  Slower than the normal walk, but just enough so that you don't need to stand in front of a dude, get your knife out, miss, then get stabbed.


Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

I haven't had the chance to play the demo yet, but the controls don't seem like they should be problematic - RE4 on the Gamecube used stunningly few buttons, after all. Is the game faster paced than RE4, rendering the controls useless, or did they foul it up somehow?

Khuutra said:
I haven't had the chance to play the demo yet, but the controls don't seem like they should be problematic - RE4 on the Gamecube used stunningly few buttons, after all. Is the game faster paced than RE4, rendering the controls useless, or did they foul it up somehow?


 It's more a problem that expectations change over time. What was reasonable in 2004, is no longer the best way to do things. It is hard today to justify not being able to move with a weapon out, and the male character moves more like a tank than a normal human being.

I imagine that experienced RE gamers will enjoy it, whereas new gamers will think its tremendously flawed.

Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall 

I tried a few minutes last night so my impression might change later.

Graphics are very nice. Capcom has always given us the some of the best graphics on console games but it seems it hasn't got enough appreciation. At least not from what I heard: everyone is talking about KZ2, GeOW2, Uncharted, MGS4 etc.

Controlwise: gun is fun to use, knife is NOT. I really enjoyed using knives (and almost everything else) in Dead Rising. Are people making RE5 not the same bunch made Dead Rising? Just curious.

Overall I think I will buy this game soon after its release. I will get used to the controls. I know I will like this game.

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I played through the demo twice now (once solo and once co-op). I'm really enjoying the game so far.

The graphics are very nice and look good on my HDTV.

I beat the chainsaw guy the second time I played. The first time he killed my partner so that ended the game. Later on my co-op partner had a little bit better AI than the computer so we got him after that first time

I think expectations were a little unreasonable from a few after reading a lot of this thread. I can also see people that haven't played an RE game or since the very beginning not liking the way the game is designed (mainly with the controls). Personally I loved RE4 so I enjoyed the demo quite a bit.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

Bump for the PSN and silver members.

Xbox360 version looks amazing(CGIish -like), ps3 version looks far worse. I was going to buy the 360 version anyway (there was no way that the ps3 version would look better ) and my decision was finalised.

fulcizombie said:
Xbox360 version looks amazing(CGIish -like), ps3 version looks far worse. I was going to buy the 360 version anyway (there was no way that the ps3 version would look better ) and my decision was finalised.

Haha, what exactly is your problem? You just posted this in at least THREE threads... You are either

1. 12 years old

2. gran fanboy deluxe 2000 extreme

3. sent here by bill gates

Currently playing: NSMB (Wii) 

Waiting for: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii), The Last Story (Wii), Golden Sun (DS), Portal 2 (Wii? or OSX), Metroid: Other M (Wii), 
... and of course Zelda (Wii) 

My reactions to the RE 5 demo:

Controls were really bad, i don't know if i can get used to that, everything from turning to aiming to looking to using your inventory is just horrible and really turned me away from the game

Graphics are great

The partner thing is ridiculous

Scarce ammo is scarce, this makes things better

But the worse thing is: that's no resident evil anymore, it's an action game

I will give it another try later, though

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"