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Forums - Website Topics - In Your opinion, name 5-10 of the biggest PS3 fans on VG Chartz

CGI-Quality said:
To my fellow Sony fans who weren't added I'm sorry I couldn't fit you all, but trust me, you're NOT forgotten!!!

Alright but no Sony *ookers for you :(.

Around the Network

Phew glad i didnt make the list, Just proves that i dont let my bias rule my head

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

serious fusting ,,,you are not on our list but you are in our hearts lol

@ninja kido ,,,,CGI shall mate with an Xbot *ooker ,,,she constantly overheats and burns CGI for not having our name on the list XD




what do you think?
i am the best the biggest and the nerdiets bad spelling youtube playstation fan(boy) of all Time!

@SpartanFX it's only fair lol.

Around the Network

Well people are gonna have to make their own lists now. Mine is so full of awesome, if i add more people i'll break the thread.

Check out my game about moles ^






klaudkil said:
what do you think?
i am the best the biggest and the nerdiets bad spelling youtube playstation fan(boy) of all Time!


lol you need to make your name more known... or you know... make your own list :p hehe

Check out my game about moles ^

CGI-Quality said:
SpartanFX said:
serious fusting ,,,you are not on our list but you are in our hearts lol

@ninja kido ,,,,CGI shall mate with an Xbot *ooker ,,,she constantly overheats and burns CGI for not having our name on the list XD


Man, you guys are harsh, it's ok, I look forward to blasting you guys apart in Killzone 2 mwuahahahahahahaha

lol gonna be cool playing in a vgchartz clan in killzone 2. Could have some North American Vgcharters VS European/Asian



Check out my game about moles ^

Staude said:
CGI-Quality said:
SpartanFX said:
serious fusting ,,,you are not on our list but you are in our hearts lol

@ninja kido ,,,,CGI shall mate with an Xbot *ooker ,,,she constantly overheats and burns CGI for not having our name on the list XD

Man, you guys are harsh, it's ok, I look forward to blasting you guys apart in Killzone 2 mwuahahahahahahaha

lol gonna be cool playing in a vgchartz clan in killzone 2. Could have some North American Vgcharters VS European/Asian


Yh man, i am so going to murk all of you mans lol. once again the list is a complete sham, how can rock_on_2008 and obieslut not make the cut.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st