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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is there going to be a problem with the Killzone 2 reviews, can we trust?

Squilliam said:

It seems completely out of order that the reviews are coming in now, fully a month ahead of schedule. Now I know this is an excellent game, but are Sony manipulating the review process by allowing sites with favourable reviews to release wayyy early and thus put pressure on other sites who want to be in on the scoop as well?

I am suspicious of the events as they are unfolding, this is completely out of line with the majority if not almost every single other game that has been released to date.

So what do you think? Is there a little underhanded craftyness going on here?

Yes, like some people have said in the thread already - this happens all the time and all the big publishers offer magazines and sites an opportunity to review a game early in exchange for a good review score.

From my personal experience PC Gamer Sweden magazine has revealed this fact many times.


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I think many people are waiting on the first sub-90% scores for this game, and then will they say that the "real reviews" are starting to come out.

Maybe the game is actually that good, and had been mostly done for a while allowing early review. I am sure Sony wants to build hype for this game. They pushed it back from the crowded Holidays in order to give it time to shine on its own. It makes sense they would allow early reviews to build up hype.

I'll wait till Yahtzee reviews it. I know you should take his reviews with a grain of salt but.. I also trust him to be one of the view reviewers most detached from hype, at elast when it comes to shooters

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double post.

I'll wait for real reviews (translation: anything below 90, because there is no way that KZ2 can get a 90)

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If anything, you should be worried about early, unfair reviews of the game.

B-B-B-B-Bullshit.... achoo. I'm sorry what was the question.

Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.

It's Squilliam posing the question, so who cares? Fun to see such stupidity in motion, but as non-partisan and rational as a Nazi rally.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

Yeah I remember how GTA4 was. Was overhyped and the review reflected it. Only after a bit it became clear how flawed it was. Since that whole situation I dont buy game first day anymore. I wait a bit to see if theres any problem or so forth.


of course you would post this.... if the reviews were lackluster you'd be touting how truthful they were and that you knew it all alone :/