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Forums - PC Discussion - i am still confused about SC2

so with that whole thing of 3 seperate campaings on 3 diff discs does that mean i ahave to buy all of them to get the full campaign for SC2

some1 help me


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so with that whole thing of 3 seperate campaings on 3 diff discs does that mean i ahave to buy all of them to get the full campaign for SC2

some1 help me


Most likely, but I don't think they've announced much else at the moment though so we'll have to see.

For those who might be confused, SC2 = Starcraft 2

Yea, for you to get the complete story for SC2 you need to buy all 3 campaigns. Each one is a full campaign for a specific race.

Each race's campaign is full length, as in 25-30 missions that should take more than a few hours to beat total. The multiplayer, apparently, is complete right out of the box from the first release. I don;t mind the setup, but yes, to know the ENTIRE story you will have to buy three separate SC2 games.


Thanks for the information.

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I plan to wait until they release the inevitable box set with all three campaigns in, and I shall buy that only once it hits the price of a regular game.

dhummel said:
Each race's campaign is full length, as in 25-30 missions that should take more than a few hours to beat total. The multiplayer, apparently, is complete right out of the box from the first release. I don;t mind the setup, but yes, to know the ENTIRE story you will have to buy three separate SC2 games.

...untill the second & third releases which brings add-ons to the multiplayer.. so to keep playing the multiplayer you will have to buy them...



Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

@nikkom: I seriously think they'll patch that then. It would be a bit cruel not to (and I don't think that blizzard will want to step on their fans again after announcing a triple release)

papflesje said:
@nikkom: I seriously think they'll patch that then. It would be a bit cruel not to (and I don't think that blizzard will want to step on their fans again after announcing a triple release)

From the StarCraft FAQ

Will we still be able to play multiplayer matches of StarCraft II with all three races?

Yes! From the beginning, StarCraft II will be a fully featured multiplayer game, and all three races will be available for competitive play.

How will the expansion sets impact multiplayer gameplay?

The expansion sets will add new content to each race for use in multiplayer matches. This could include additions such as new units, abilities, and structures, along with new maps and updates.


Seem to me that if you only get 1 campaign the multiplayer will be broken after the other releases... so you will be forced
to buy the others... could be wrong... maybe they will release the addons for free...



Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

I think their "mistake" was announcing it before the game coming out. Dawn of War had 3 expansions, the difference was that, although everyone knew they were coming, they weren't announced before DoW was released. hell, even DoW2 will have only marines campaign without expansion.

the words above were backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!