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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Official December NPD 2008 Thread

Haha, wow , VGC overtracks Wii by a million.

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Some more numbers:


DS 9.951 mil
PSP 3.829 mil
360 4.735 mil
PS3 3.544 mil
Wii 10.171 mil


DS 27.541 mil
PSP 14.341 mil
360 13.860 mil
PS3 6.794 mil
Wii 17.54 mil

Currently playing on PS3: God of War III

Currently playing on Xbox360: Final Fantasy XIII

Currently playing on NDS: Chrono Trigger

Microsoft failed. They cut the price and earned $50 less of everyone of those 1.4 million 360s they sold in December. That's about US$70 million they didn't make. Considering the differences in prices between 360's SKU's ($200, $300, $350) and PS3's SKUs ($400, $500) a simple calculation says Microsoft didn't make more than US$80 million over the PS3 earnings even when outselling it 2:1. Major LOL. Note: We're talking about both companies earned from 300-400 million dollars in hardwares sales alone. Sure, Microsoft wins a little extra market share and saves some face, and also sold some good extra software this holiday season, but can they keep it up now that the shopping season is over...and a PS3 price cut is soon to come, 360 days of joy will end just as abruptly as they started after that price cut!

the guys on NeoGaf saying that Wii didnt break PS2 december record...

Hyruken said:
DMeisterJ said:

DS - 3.04 million
Wii - 2.15 Million
360 - 1.44 million
PSP - 1.02 million
PS3 - 726k (down a lil from last year)
PS2 - 410k (down a lot from last year)


 PS3 was down 71k, that is not a "lil bit" that is over 10%, quite nasty when you think it had LBP,Resistance 2 etc..

Umm, it is less than 10%.  I wouldn't call that "nasty", especially when it had a price drop last year.


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DS has broken the previous montlhy record held by PS2. Congrat, Virtual Boy 2.

 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

Zucas said:

2.15 million ain't bad guys just surprising. Can't believe people are saying that's bad haha.

But man it's a lot lower than we all expected. Ninty must have really ran short and a lot more than we ever thought. It's just so surprising they were unable to ship more in 5 weeks of December than 4 weeks of November.

But man everyone was off on Wii. Everywone was at about 3 million on predictions so it's quite interesting. I'll wait for Nintendo shipments on this, though, because NPD isn't the final word.

I agree. 2.15 Million is still very good.

PS3 + X360 > Wii. It's mission accomplished for the month of December.

Currently playing on PS3: God of War III

Currently playing on Xbox360: Final Fantasy XIII

Currently playing on NDS: Chrono Trigger


oh ok....

then as I said he is being a fanboy

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

December 2007: 1.35 million
December 2008: 2.15 million

December 2007: 1.26 million
December 2008: 1.44 million

December 2007: 797,600
December 2008: 726,000