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Microsoft failed. They cut the price and earned $50 less of everyone of those 1.4 million 360s they sold in December. That's about US$70 million they didn't make. Considering the differences in prices between 360's SKU's ($200, $300, $350) and PS3's SKUs ($400, $500) a simple calculation says Microsoft didn't make more than US$80 million over the PS3 earnings even when outselling it 2:1. Major LOL. Note: We're talking about both companies earned from 300-400 million dollars in hardwares sales alone. Sure, Microsoft wins a little extra market share and saves some face, and also sold some good extra software this holiday season, but can they keep it up now that the shopping season is over...and a PS3 price cut is soon to come, 360 days of joy will end just as abruptly as they started after that price cut!