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Forums - Sony Discussion - CES 2009: Blu-Ray US adoption rate vs CD/DVD/VHS/TV/Color TV/HDTV

I have a BR player and I sure as hell ain't buying all my movies over again. I have over 300. BR will just be for Netflix movies.

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Difference is that DVD wasn't pushed like Blu-Ray has been. Without the PS3, stand alone BR players would have sold less (because HD-DVD battle would have been drawn out longer) and BR discs would have sold significantly less.

marketing push makes a lot of difference, it's partly why the X360 is currently outselling the PS3.

MikeB said:
Electro General said:
Squilliam said:
Overall volumes != a single title.

Yep, it looks like its comparing revenue again. And since most BR titles cost around twice as much, if not more than DVD releases, I think its safe to say that these numbers aren't nearly as impressive.

I have only seen unit sale comparisons in this thread so far.

And BTW how much did the average DVD title sell for in 1999? And if you take into account inflation?


Lets say for your example that DVD sales were initially priced with inflation costs to be the same as blu ray movies are now.  They are still 3 HUGE factors that you are forgetting.


1.  THE ECONOMY right now.  All needs to be said. 

2.  You will also find a lot of people rebought their VHS on DVD because of the size, quality and most old movies typically found 8-10 dollars.  Heck DVD is fine enough that I won't be rebuying any of my movies except like LOTR or something like that.

3. Renting Business.  It is so much easier now with netflix and stuff that people don't buy movies typically as much.


Of course point 2 isn't factored in until later in life, and the most important right now is POINT 1.  Heck just heard on news today that when taking in jobs census thingy again that another 500k jobs will be expected down again from last census.


PS3 sales sure are helping out ALOT. Almost makes those graphs worthless.

Mummelmann said:


Edit; @ tuoyo; there weren't a whole lot of PS2's in 1999...

I don't know how long DVD was out before PS2 was released.  From this graph I can safely assume PS2 was not out by then.  However, BD supporters will either never make a comparison for a time frame which caught the release of PS2 (e.g comparing DVD sales after 5 years with BD sales after 5 years) or they will do the comparison but include PS3 sales and exclude PS2 sales. 

I don't see how someone can use this graph to argue that BD is doing better than DVD at the same stage of their respective lives when PS3 has been out for most of that period and PS2 was not out at all. 


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tuoyo said:
Mummelmann said:


Edit; @ tuoyo; there weren't a whole lot of PS2's in 1999...

I don't know how long DVD was out before PS2 was released.  From this graph I can safely assume PS2 was not out by then.  However, if BD will either never make a comparison for a time frame which caught the release of PS2 (e.g comparing DVD sales after 5 years with BD sales after 5 years) or they will do the comparison but include PS3 sales and exclude PS2 sales. 

I don't see how someone can use this graph to argue that BD is doing better than DVD at the same stage of their respective lives when PS3 has been out for most of that period and PS2 was not out at all. 


Not too familiar with the PR business now are ya.  They show what shows them kicking butt in.  If in 2 years this graph is not in their favor they will throw out some new graph like DVD total REVENUE vs. Blu ray REVENUE or something.



Or like in sports makes up some obscure requirements so they can make some new record.  Like first person since 1954 to score a touchdown on offense and defense on 4 different teams while having the flu.  You know they could be like the adaption rate is much higher between Blu Ray players and HDTV's than DVD was with HDTV's at the time or something.

Mummelmann said:
Khuutra said:
Mummelmann said:
But that can't be because BluRay is a fad and will die soon and dl's take over and new formats and blah blah blah.
I hope this year will be even better for BluRay so people realize that this format is not stillborn no matter how much some people wish it were.

I admit I want Blu-Ray to not take off, but only because, dammit, I don't want to buy some of my movies again. And letting them change the formats this fast sets a bad precedent!

You don't have to, the BD players play DVD's as well, for me it'll be only the absolute must have's that I get on HD format (from the old DVD collection I mean). I have around 200 DVD's but I won't be getting more than 10-12 of those on BluRay anytime soon.


Edit; @ tuoyo; there weren't a whole lot of PS2's in 1999...

Yes, well... Okay, that's fair.

I still don't like the idea of letting manufacturers think that a format shift this soon after DVD is kosher, though.

Electro General said:
Squilliam said:
Overall volumes != a single title.

Yep, it looks like its comparing revenue again. And since most BR titles cost around twice as much, if not more than DVD releases, I think its safe to say that these numbers aren't nearly as impressive.


Where are those more than twice as much BR titles ?



JaggedSac said:
PS3 sales sure are helping out ALOT. Almost makes those graphs worthless.


Yep, that's the issue. Since probably about 2/3 of the graph is PS3's the graph is almost useless. I want to see a graph that shows the sales of the actual discs. Cause we don't really know how many people are using the PS3 as a BD player, it is after all the successor to the most successful game console ever.

BengaBenga said:
JaggedSac said:
PS3 sales sure are helping out ALOT. Almost makes those graphs worthless.


Yep, that's the issue. Since probably about 2/3 of the graph is PS3's the graph is almost useless. I want to see a graph that shows the sales of the actual discs. Cause we don't really know how many people are using the PS3 as a BD player, it is after all the successor to the most successful game console ever.


Well we sort of figured out it based on a report of DVD Revenue down and blu ray Revenue up in 08'   This is what was figured out in that thread


irstupid said:
JaggedSac said:
Do those 10 million include PS3s?

$14.5 billion in DVD sales.
$.75 billion in BR sales.

14.5 + .750 = 15.25 billion

95.08% = DVD sales

4.92% = BR sales


while that is nice figures breakdown for companies it doesn't show the percentage of DVD's vs. Blu Rays sales but instead the ratio of the sales revenue


Like say average DVD cost is $12 and Blu Ray is $25.  (no idea, just threw out numbers)  Then you can see that

14.5 billion DVD revenue =  1.21 billion DVD's sold

.75 billion Blu Ray revenue =  30 million Blu Ray's sold


97.58% DVD's

2.42% Blu Ray


So if 200 movies are bought.  195 of them are on DVD and 5 are on Blu Ray.