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Forums - General Discussion - Start a horrible rumor about the person above you

axumblade has a small willy.

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.
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Trashleg is a quarter Sassenach.

Oh, wait. It's not supposed to be true?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective


Kantor wishes he was Scottish. thing is, thats not a bad rumour. of course he wishes he was scottish, its just natural

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

Trashleg secretly hates shortbread, and prefers *gasp* scones.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Axumblade is secretly Irish, and that's why Trashleg divorced him =O

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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*Waiting for MM to post in the thread*

i actually hate scones. and i bought caster sugar today, to make shortbread :D and i love axumblade, regardless of where he's from.. as long as he's not english

TheThunder just lies about having a PS3, he's actually a sega fanboy.

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

Axumblade is pregnant. :O

and makingmusic used corruptive means to be crowned "greatest user"

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

Only b/c I have moved to another state and changed my name can I tell you this but…….sorry I need a moment

Okay so three years ago it was Halloween night and me and trash were getting royally toasted…and not just cheap stuff we were pounding Patron like it was water….

Well I had been getting these weird looks from her all night but did not think anything of it…hey I am a good looking guy and all…

But anyways I get up to use the bathroom and tell her keep an eye on my drink and all

Well when I get back I finish off my booze and start to feel funny FADE TO BLACK

I wake up in a dark damp room ,my cloths are different but my head is spinning to fast to see what it was ….i shook my head and it started to clear up…I was standing in a skin tight chicken suit that smelled of piss and blood….WTF !!!

I go to take the top of and notice for the first time I am chained to a chair…then trash comes in and is all like

“ohh I am so glad your wake my little chicky..i want to play a game together and it wont be fun if he dies before you can get there”

It was at this point I regretted watching saw, hostel and the hundred of other slasher flick …my mind was racing with the horror that might be waiting outside of this room or that might have just walked in…some people call it torture porn …I just call it torture. but any ways she comes over closer and I notice she is wearing a vinyl like bio suit…the kind you see in labs but its covered in filth….and stinks like fear and I don’t mean the emotion I mean that someone recently was so afraid that they crapped them selves and its clinging to the suit like I am clinging to my sanity

She slaps dog color around my throat and put this chicken mask over my face……god I wish I cold have been blind folded or something….room after room she leads me like I am some sick little puppet for show…and each room gets darker and more depraved. I can still hears the screams in my dreams…picture silent hill mixed with Vietnam flashbacks toped off with an acid cocktail and you can get the gist of my dreams…..

So finaly we end up in this little storage closet of a room and its latterly 2 inches of muck and gore on the floor…..the guy hanging on the wall like a macob anti Christ is some dumb smuck that was hitting on her earlier in the evening

She leans in to my ear and say in the most childlike voice I ever heard “don’t worry whats on the floor is only pigs guts and such…his come later”

I vomited into my mask….thank god it was kinda open so it just dribbled down the front, but I was so numb I could hardly have stopped my self from drowning in it if I hadn’t….i was a walking zombie at that point…
The guy on the wall is crying and begging to a god that is either giving him just dessert or blind…b/c he gets no help

Trash starts dancing around bumping into me and him singing this little nonsense song and giggling sounding like ring around the rosey but instead of falling down she named a body part and shoved this two inch long needle into a random body part….

God I wish I could have done something

The funny thing about chicken suits…..they don’t have watch so I don’t know how long this went on…after awhile he stopped squirming and I don’t..kinda retreated into himself…I don’t know I was doing the same….but then trash comes over and slaps the needle into my hand saying hold this we have to go ..

Stupid me now my finger prints were all over this thing…then she walks over to the guys and like gutting a fish slices him from jaw to groin…every thin spills out onto the floor and over my feet…..i can no longer smell anything in that room but I could feel the heat of his stomach and intestines and it passed thru the suit

I passed out….

I wake up back at the hotel I was staying at in a cold sweat. my head was pounding….Trashleg comes in and I admit I screamed like a girl and ried to claw my way out of the dry wall…but she comes over and say I fell at the banged my head….been out for hours……am I okay…

But I know what happened what true…I didn’t want to admit it at first b/c that would mean I let some one else die b/c I am weak..but not anymore this happened and now the rest of you guys know what kinda persons eh is