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Forums - PC Discussion - Google laptops by 2010

JiaJia said:
Apple OSX imo .... =D


I predict OSXI being released next year

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^ Lol. No, no. If Apple could take such a massive share it would of happend already. Furthermore, with all the positive ratings is getting from W7, MS should remain in a strong position. But I will say this, if MS does get challenged, Google is the only company that can challenge MS.

I would love a Linux distro with commercial backing. I know it goes against the open source philosophy, but when a commercial linux distro gets more development support and commercial programs that will mean cross compatible programs to the open source distros, sort of a rising tide raises all ships philosophy. Plus this will be a boon to the driver needs for regular desktops, if linux gets a 5% plus market share, the hardware makers will be forced to support linux or loose out on big business.

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I wonder if it will log every key stroke, search, site you visit etc... and send that info back to GOOGLE servers like its browser can/does do?

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




damndl0ser said:
I wonder if it will log every key stroke, search, site you visit etc... and send that info back to GOOGLE servers like its browser can/does do?

Indeed, some of Google's stances towards privacy are pretty bad. Any day now google will know more about me than myself.

Pretty interesting and unexpected though. I wonder how seriously Google will take this.


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I wish Google well in the OS field.  However they are even worse than M$ on many many issues.  So I guess there may be more than one big bad in the OS industry now.  

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




Didnt someone say a while ago that google wasnt ever gonna make a computer?


  • 2010 MUST Haves: WKC, Heavy Rain, GoWIII, Fable III, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, Darksiders, FFXIII, Alan Wake, No More Heroes 2, Fragile Dreams: FRotM, Trinity: SoZ, BFBC2.
  • Older Need To Buys: Super Mario Bros. Wii, Mario Kart Wii, Deadspace, Demon's Souls, Uncharted 2.

There is definitely more to list that I want, but that's my main focus there.

I'll just stick with Microsoft. Basically all games work on it, and even games aside there is so much more software out there written for windows that the other OSs likely won't be getting anytime soon.

PC Gamer
Nickelbackro said:
I would love a Linux distro with commercial backing. I know it goes against the open source philosophy, but when a commercial linux distro gets more development support and commercial programs that will mean cross compatible programs to the open source distros, sort of a rising tide raises all ships philosophy. Plus this will be a boon to the driver needs for regular desktops, if linux gets a 5% plus market share, the hardware makers will be forced to support linux or loose out on big business.

As an Ubuntu user when I can help it, I am similarly excited for this reason.