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Forums - PC Discussion - AMD releases open-source 3D driver for current graphics cards

AMD has released open-source code that will form the core of a 3D driver for R600 (Radeon HD3xxx) and R700 (Radeon HD4xxx) graphics cards. Previously, they had released documentation for R500 (Radeon X1xxx) cards that led to a 3D Linux driver radeonhd which is now in Linux distributions as the default driver, but today is the first time an open-source 3D driver has been possible for a current generation of graphics cards.

While this effort was in support of a Linux driver, in theory this code could be used on any OS (for example Windows) to make an open-source driver. This is an important step in Linux becoming mainstream as it means that a computer can ship with all hardware drivers out of the box with no further setup, and also as a philosophical goal in the context of free software.

The code can be found in the xf86-video-radeonhd and other X.Org code repositories, and will enter a release of X.Org (and therefore almost all Linux distributions) soon. The documentation associated with it will be released shortly but is already in the hands of driver developers.


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Sweet! The 4xxx cards were already awesome, but with this kind of support, they are only getting better!

Very nice. I'll be upgrading from my X1950 XTX to a 48xx series card soon. Glad to see the Linux philosophy stay intact.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Another proof that AMD are the good guys.

i would love some 4XXX card drivers for osx.

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Last time I tried ati card with linux it was a battle from hell. This might change things a bit. Now moar games for linux too, plz. :)

Deneidez said:
Last time I tried ati card with linux it was a battle from hell. This might change things a bit. Now moar games for linux too, plz. :)


It's not a battle at all these days but this just makes it all the better.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Deneidez said:
Last time I tried ati card with linux it was a battle from hell. This might change things a bit. Now moar games for linux too, plz. :)

Yes, AMD support has improved considerably in the last two years. Now, for every card you get a working driver out of the box, and if you want game-level 3D performance you go to the Restricted Drivers (or similar) menu, tick the box and restart the computer.