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Forums - Sony Discussion - Blu-ray taking Europe by storm! ~Positive Sony News~

blu-ray = EPIC FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nah jokes :P I love it! Im glad its out there because in all seriousness DVD just doesnt cut it on a big enough 1080p TV. I got kung fu panda for my first blu-ray! yay! but I dont get it till christmas!!! which is incidentaly 2 days away! yay again :D

Any way as more people get bigger TVs blu ray will increase as they see the need for it.

I have some more good ps3 news! IGN Australia has voted the ps3 as the best console for exclusives this year! yay! (just in case you guys havent heard that yet)

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

Around the Network
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Spankey said:

Oh come on guys,
One bit of positive and everyone comes down on it like a ton of bricks.
I didn't realise how many posters haven't seemed to have left Junior school yet (TheSource excepted, of course! valid points as ever).
Just amazing.

I try spank *sob* i really do  *tear* but everytime i try to post something positive someone has to take it apart and bash it. :( ... ;_;


I Know, *sob* I know ;_;...

Where's Chuck Norris when we need Him. Probably too busy playing Wii


Proud Sony Rear Admiral

I like hot Asian gir..... Bluray Discs....

4 ≈ One

^- Lmao!!

I know in the US that is you look around you can pick up a blu-ray player for about half the price of a PS3. I think cheaper players are causing the sales increase. That would certainly explain the yoy PS3 decline in the US, competition with cheaper players.

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire

Around the Network
Spankey said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Spankey said:

Oh come on guys,
One bit of positive and everyone comes down on it like a ton of bricks.
I didn't realise how many posters haven't seemed to have left Junior school yet (TheSource excepted, of course! valid points as ever).
Just amazing.

I try spank *sob* i really do  *tear* but everytime i try to post something positive someone has to take it apart and bash it. :( ... ;_;


I Know, *sob* I know ;_;...

Where's Chuck Norris when we need Him. Probably too busy playing Wii



"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Tyrannical said:
I know in the US that is you look around you can pick up a blu-ray player for about half the price of a PS3. I think cheaper players are causing the sales increase. That would certainly explain the yoy PS3 decline in the US, competition with cheaper players.


 I think your right about that, now I have some understanding to sonys less then stellar christmas period. I remember ages ago hearing about how lots of people were getting ps3s for cheap blu ray players! And the honest truth I got mine for blu ray too, only to discover it actually has some very awesome and (cheaper then wii) games.

But lets all remember the ps3 is doing better then the xbox and gc did.

current play ratio ps3= 90%, 360= 2%, wii= 8%

Instead of taking the wii to my parents for christmas this year im taking the ps3!!! 

@Seraphic: I showed my dad GT5 and he loved it and wanted a ps3 for christmas... then I told him theyre $700 in aus and that dulled his spirits :(

COME ON SONY! PRICE DROP!!!! at least for next christmas! it will make an old man happy!!!

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:

PSUNews: "It's hard to figure out how so many companies and websites can promote titles that lead people to believe Blu-ray is a dying format, or even that it's already dead. Month after month, Blu-ray sales increase, with months like November where the format outsells DVD completely. In November, there was a 165% increase in Blu-ray movies in Europe alone. On top of this, Blu-ray players outsold DVD players as well, though that includes sales numbers for PS3.

According to a Futuresource press release, "sales of Blu-Ray disc movies are defying the odds and bucking the credit crunch." Jim Bottoms, Managing Director of Corporate Development at Futuresource, said, "The Blu-ray disc format offers an unparalleled home entertainment experience. We fully expect Blu-ray to continue its rapid growth, stimulated by falling prices and even more bundling deals with large screen TVs."

We just so happen to love our PlayStation 3's Blu-ray player and can completely agree with that assessment of entertainment value. It goes without saying that Sony has benefited beyond measure with the success they've achieved by including Blu-ray disc players within each PlayStation 3. It'll be interesting to see how the format fares against DVD in 2009."


Main Source --->



Blu-Ray...heh this awesome HD format continues to prove those haters wrong be it regular people to companys like samsung. Awesome-Pop! :D



Wow, BluRay + PS3 manage to outsell a format that's a decade old and one everyone already owns. Someday it would be nice to see something from the Blu-Ray camp that isn't total number spinning and poorly done propaganda, it's like Sonys PS3 PR campaign all over again. Oh boy!  165% increase during the holidays, either your format was preforming like crap to begin with or you saw an average increase (depending of course upon the item sector your marketing).

The fact that Blu-Ray positives are always based off precentage increases, include PS3 sales or focus on only 1 or the top ten movie releases speaks volumes for just how little poorly Blu-Ray is doing.


Althought I suppose the best part is how many people condemn "anti"-Sony threats then crowd in and bend down on both knees to trash like this.

^--- should have shown him forza 2 and a 360 arcade

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire

flagship said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:

PSUNews: "It's hard to figure out how so many companies and websites can promote titles that lead people to believe Blu-ray is a dying format, or even that it's already dead. Month after month, Blu-ray sales increase, with months like November where the format outsells DVD completely. In November, there was a 165% increase in Blu-ray movies in Europe alone. On top of this, Blu-ray players outsold DVD players as well, though that includes sales numbers for PS3.

According to a Futuresource press release, "sales of Blu-Ray disc movies are defying the odds and bucking the credit crunch." Jim Bottoms, Managing Director of Corporate Development at Futuresource, said, "The Blu-ray disc format offers an unparalleled home entertainment experience. We fully expect Blu-ray to continue its rapid growth, stimulated by falling prices and even more bundling deals with large screen TVs."

We just so happen to love our PlayStation 3's Blu-ray player and can completely agree with that assessment of entertainment value. It goes without saying that Sony has benefited beyond measure with the success they've achieved by including Blu-ray disc players within each PlayStation 3. It'll be interesting to see how the format fares against DVD in 2009."


Main Source --->



Blu-Ray...heh this awesome HD format continues to prove those haters wrong be it regular people to companys like samsung. Awesome-Pop! :D



Wow, BluRay + PS3 manage to outsell a format that's a decade old and one everyone already owns. Someday it would be nice to see something from the Blu-Ray camp that isn't total number spinning and poorly done propaganda, it's like Sonys PS3 PR campaign all over again. Oh boy!  165% increase during the holidays, either your format was preforming like crap to begin with or you saw an average increase (depending of course upon the item sector your marketing).

The fact that Blu-Ray positives are always based off precentage increases, include PS3 sales or focus on only 1 or the top ten movie releases speaks volumes for just how little poorly Blu-Ray is doing.


Althought I suppose the best part is how many people condemn "anti"-Sony threats then crowd in and bend down on both knees to trash like this.

Why even come in a thread like this if your just going to bash? dude get out.