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Tyrannical said:
I know in the US that is you look around you can pick up a blu-ray player for about half the price of a PS3. I think cheaper players are causing the sales increase. That would certainly explain the yoy PS3 decline in the US, competition with cheaper players.


 I think your right about that, now I have some understanding to sonys less then stellar christmas period. I remember ages ago hearing about how lots of people were getting ps3s for cheap blu ray players! And the honest truth I got mine for blu ray too, only to discover it actually has some very awesome and (cheaper then wii) games.

But lets all remember the ps3 is doing better then the xbox and gc did.

current play ratio ps3= 90%, 360= 2%, wii= 8%

Instead of taking the wii to my parents for christmas this year im taking the ps3!!! 

@Seraphic: I showed my dad GT5 and he loved it and wanted a ps3 for christmas... then I told him theyre $700 in aus and that dulled his spirits :(

COME ON SONY! PRICE DROP!!!! at least for next christmas! it will make an old man happy!!!

If at first you don't succeed, you fail