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Forums - Sony Discussion - Blu-ray taking Europe by storm! ~Positive Sony News~

PSUNews: "It's hard to figure out how so many companies and websites can promote titles that lead people to believe Blu-ray is a dying format, or even that it's already dead. Month after month, Blu-ray sales increase, with months like November where the format outsells DVD completely. In November, there was a 165% increase in Blu-ray movies in Europe alone. On top of this, Blu-ray players outsold DVD players as well, though that includes sales numbers for PS3.

According to a Futuresource press release, "sales of Blu-Ray disc movies are defying the odds and bucking the credit crunch." Jim Bottoms, Managing Director of Corporate Development at Futuresource, said, "The Blu-ray disc format offers an unparalleled home entertainment experience. We fully expect Blu-ray to continue its rapid growth, stimulated by falling prices and even more bundling deals with large screen TVs."

We just so happen to love our PlayStation 3's Blu-ray player and can completely agree with that assessment of entertainment value. It goes without saying that Sony has benefited beyond measure with the success they've achieved by including Blu-ray disc players within each PlayStation 3. It'll be interesting to see how the format fares against DVD in 2009."


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Blu-Ray...heh this awesome HD format continues to prove those haters wrong be it regular people to companys like samsung. Awesome-Pop! :D


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Glad I got a PS3 :D. Awsome news!

wow, positive ps3 news actually exists lol

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Awesome, europe is awesome, sony is awesone, blu ray is awesome, I'm awesome! Thread full of awesomeness!

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Sony US needs more Japanese beauties in their ads here.. that would solve their entire problem.

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Well I have bought 12 blu-ray movies the last three months..

guess how many DvD i have bought??... jepp Zero.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

thats good news... I actually got my first blu-ray disc last month

I was just in Europe guys, and while Blu Ray is definitely doing a bit better than in the USA, bragging about a November increase (from October) is silly. Especially since PS3 sales alone doubled from October to November and they are included. It would be much more of a story if sales didnt go up at all as the November seasonal effects began with increased spending.

With the competing format war , expensive pricing compared to dvds, and smaller difference between DVD and Blu Ray many people will just never upgrade. Personally, I see no reason, DVDs look great on HDTVs. Even if I had a PS3 I would never buy a Blu Ray disc. I don't think I'm in the minority, if it was a hot item, people would find a way to buy Blu Ray recession be damned.

In terms of acceptance as a format its probably going to end up between UMDs and DVDs. Every time you try to force what is considered a marginal, forced upgrade by the masses your going to lose customers.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

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Wait.....Blu ray outsold DVD in Europe last month????I dont believe it, but good for the people investing in blu if true.

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