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Forums - Sony Discussion - Leo-j "PS3 will not go below 120k/week in 2008" prediction post-mortem

DMeisterJ said:
Oh... it was 3 weeks. ioi must have adjusted since earlier in the year, it was only one. This is why we should be told about adjustments. Still it was an awesome prediction, and he was very close so he deffo didn' fail.

Did JL fail when he was a mil off of his "Wii @ 20 mil by 08?"

Iseem to remember everyone praising him for that prediction... But why would I expect fairness? >_>


 Sorry but it was always 3 weeks, stop making shit up

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

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My other big prediction is in my sig


leo-j said:
My other big prediction is in my sig

Hmmm, those are some pretty big ranges you have there.

Even with the huge 12 million range you have for the Wii, it WILL surpass that figure, 70 million is the sure fire figure Wii will pass, just like 40 million was when predicting 1 year ago for the end of 2008.

I am predicting 77 million at the moment for the Wii, but not putting anything concrete until January (like I did last year if you check my profile)


You 360 prediction is also low, I would currently predict 37-38 million.... and I really under predicted it last year (predicted 23m for the end of 2008)


You PS3 prediction looks sound, I think it will just about get to 31 million, and should hopefully be catching theX360 again during the later part of the year.


Infamy79 said:
DMeisterJ said:
Oh... it was 3 weeks. ioi must have adjusted since earlier in the year, it was only one. This is why we should be told about adjustments. Still it was an awesome prediction, and he was very close so he deffo didn' fail.

Did JL fail when he was a mil off of his "Wii @ 20 mil by 08?"

Iseem to remember everyone praising him for that prediction... But why would I expect fairness? >_>

 Sorry but it was always 3 weeks, stop making shit up

Hell no.

I'm not making that up.

It was only one week a few weeks ago.  I just saw that it was three weeks.  I remember since Neos tried for two straight weeks to call leo-j out for being wrong, but he was right the third week.  But it seems as if he was right the original two weeks though.

Don't fail.  I said I was wrong, but I damn sure didn't make it up.

DMeisterJ said:
Infamy79 said:
DMeisterJ said:
Oh... it was 3 weeks. ioi must have adjusted since earlier in the year, it was only one. This is why we should be told about adjustments. Still it was an awesome prediction, and he was very close so he deffo didn' fail.

Did JL fail when he was a mil off of his "Wii @ 20 mil by 08?"

Iseem to remember everyone praising him for that prediction... But why would I expect fairness? >_>

 Sorry but it was always 3 weeks, stop making shit up

Hell no.

I'm not making that up.

It was only one week a few weeks ago.  I just saw that it was three weeks.  I remember since Neos tried for two straight weeks to call leo-j out for being wrong, but he was right the third week.  But it seems as if he was right the original two weeks though.

Don't fail.  I said I was wrong, but I damn sure didn't make it up.


 Well I always remembered it being more than 1 week which is why I went back and checked and verified that I was right

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

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DMeisterJ said:
starcraft said:
People were wrong to praise John Lucas. Just as you were wrong to praise Leo-J.

By all means point out that he almost didn't fail. But fail he did.




So you admit you created this thread to call Leo a failure?

Boy are you cruel

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Its always good to see people make accurate predictions and its always good to see studios and companies making good games and staying in busniess. Now is the time to all band together for the industry's sake we can let another free radical to happen again.

"Like you know"

rudyrsr8 said:
Its always good to see people make accurate predictions and its always good to see studios and companies making good games and staying in busniess. Now is the time to all band together for the industry's sake we can let another free radical to happen again.


So if I predict America won't experience a terrorist attack next year, but it ONLY (sarcasm) happens once, then I guess I was right 364/365 (99.73%) of the time? I hope I get conrgatulations from everyone on that one, seeing as how that blows leo-j's percentage out of the water. Blanket statements don't leave the option open for any variations at all people.