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DMeisterJ said:
Infamy79 said:
DMeisterJ said:
Oh... it was 3 weeks. ioi must have adjusted since earlier in the year, it was only one. This is why we should be told about adjustments. Still it was an awesome prediction, and he was very close so he deffo didn' fail.

Did JL fail when he was a mil off of his "Wii @ 20 mil by 08?"

Iseem to remember everyone praising him for that prediction... But why would I expect fairness? >_>

 Sorry but it was always 3 weeks, stop making shit up

Hell no.

I'm not making that up.

It was only one week a few weeks ago.  I just saw that it was three weeks.  I remember since Neos tried for two straight weeks to call leo-j out for being wrong, but he was right the third week.  But it seems as if he was right the original two weeks though.

Don't fail.  I said I was wrong, but I damn sure didn't make it up.


 Well I always remembered it being more than 1 week which is why I went back and checked and verified that I was right

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience