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And?? I know that..whats the problem?

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nofosu said:
I don't think the psp is dead at all. from the time it is constantly outselling the ps3/360 proves that. I have always like nintendo and sony products. I have done a sony and nintendo combo for the last 3 console gen, and probably continue it through this gen, both console wise and hand held wise. U get the best of both worlds. Leo j, pls man stop!!! i can tell u are really passionate about sony's console/handheld, thats cool. Just enjoy ur systems. It seems u r trying to prove somethng, the facts are theere. Stop missing the forest for the trees.

Look I just dont believe that it only lasts 3-6hours, when my psp is fully charged it saystime remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes.


johnsobas said:
greg said:
johnsobas said:
greg said:
The PSP hate here is strong, it's worse than most forums. I seriously laugh every time someone says PSP lacks good games.

what is wrong with you? did even 1 person say in this thread that PSP had bad games? I heard about 3 or 4 people say PSP had better games than DS, and then i heard people say that was an opinion. I never heard a single person say DS had better games than PSP. Where's the hate? People saying DS is gonna outsell PSP, they must be real fucking geniuses to figure that one out.

 ...Did you actually READ any of the posts, alot of people are saying the problem with the PSP is the lack of quality titles, which is obviously isn't true. 

looking back I see 1 guy that said that, but there are still more people saying PSP has better games.  It doesn't matter, it's an opinion.  People just need to say "I think" before they state a system is lacking quality titles.  Doesn't help when people see there are admins doing it though.

I think something has to be mentioned and I'm not certain that has really been brought up well ...

For the most part "Handheld Gamers" and "Console Gamers" have historically been interested in very different types of games. Part of this difference is that people buy portable systems to play on the go whilst they buy consoles to play at home; this distinction may not seem important but someone who is buying a portable system may be far more motivated by puzzle games, pick-up and play games, and games that can easily be played in multiple small play sessions than by an in-depth or involving game ...

May of these  "Handheld Gamers" will state "there are no good games for the PSP" because there are no good games for them for the PSP

leo-j said:
nofosu said:
I don't think the psp is dead at all. from the time it is constantly outselling the ps3/360 proves that. I have always like nintendo and sony products. I have done a sony and nintendo combo for the last 3 console gen, and probably continue it through this gen, both console wise and hand held wise. U get the best of both worlds. Leo j, pls man stop!!! i can tell u are really passionate about sony's console/handheld, thats cool. Just enjoy ur systems. It seems u r trying to prove somethng, the facts are theere. Stop missing the forest for the trees.

Look I just dont believe that it only lasts 3-6hours, when my psp is fully charged it saystime remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes.

 So you have a magical longer lasting PSP then?  One that mysteriously lasts longer than every PSP out there despite the many many tests that do in fact prove average PSP life is somewhere in the 4-5 range?  Like I said, we've been over this before, people have posted links to tests showing the battery life and people have posted links to Sony stating the battery life.  Please remember that we're talking about gaming here so don't add in the time you spend listening to your MP3's and leaving the PSP in sleep.  

As for the PSP saying that it has 7 hours and 42 minutes left, pardon me for not being too familiar with the PSP and where everything is but I'm guessing that's at the browser.  that means that if you just leave it sitting there on the browser it will in fact sit there for about 7 hours and 42 minutes before it dies.  If you fire up a game and turn on wireless that number will decrease dramatically.

I don't know why you find it so hard to believe that the PSP and PSP2000 have embarrassing short battery lives and the DS has a larger one.  It's something simple to prove and something that has been proven over and over again.  

Soriku said:

There's a DS and PSP one. And PS2 IIRC.

I know. That was the point. The PSP game is a port of the PS2 version with FF characters tossed in. The DS game is new.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Around the Network
leo-j said:

Look I just dont believe that it only lasts 3-6hours, when my psp is fully charged it saystime remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes.



you can measure it for yourself!
You just need a friggin watch, a psp and a game!

/sarcasm on
Oh, i forgot! You don't own a game, cause of the lack of software titles!
/sarcasm off



Biggerboat said:
Soriku said:
ckmlb said:
Smashchu said:
If the PSP hype is dead becuase there are no great gaming coing to it, yet the DS has plenty from both Nintendo and 3rd parties.

The PSP has a better game lineup for the rest of this year than the DS does in the US.


Agreed, I find ckmlb does this a lot.

And what Smaschu said isn't an opinion?

How else am I supposed to phrase that? When I say it has better games it means I think the games are better, do I have to put in my opinion every time so that the DS fans don't get their panties in a bunch?

Also don't ignore that I said it has the better game lineup for the rest of this year...

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Soriku said:
^ Lol pwnt /end sarcasm

Yes you are 12.

Ok I will use a game, and test it out my self.



PSP has lost, and was never "the s***" as someone (a moderator I believe) already pointed out.

Sony may have brain-washed the general public into thinking so, but never on a bus did I see people playing PSP's. Never did I see someone walking down the street, or kids in the back seat of a car playing a PSP. All Sony had back then was commercials and brand name. MOST people have seen through that now, and won't bother getting one.

All I ever see people playing are DS's.

I always hear my friends say "DS sucks", "PSP is so dope!", "The PSP is SICK!", "PSP [good comment]", "DS [bad comment]". It's funny though, seeing as none of them have a PSP, or are planning to get one in the foreseeable future.

Their assessments just stem from the the ads with "Cool people" playing the hand held, and that's it.

Two years ago when things go started, it was more of a tight race. Thinking that the PSP could win was feasible, if not a 50/50 chance. Now though, it is impossible to catch up. Anyone who argues against that fact is a fool, and doesn't know what they are talking about.

I seriously have trouble seeing the PSP pushing much past 30 million before it's life time is over. I'd say it's maximum amount of sales as of this moment when taking everything into consideration is 32 million.

By life end:

  • Wii- 100 million+
  • Xbox360- 35~40 million
  • PS3- 30 million
  • PSP- 30~32 million ------------- FAILURE
  • NDS- 85~90 million (Skeptical)  - FAILURE
  • NDS- 100 million+ (Optimistic) -- Success!



Soriku said:
MontanaHatchet said:
We've established that, turn off your fanboy knee jerk reactions.


I'm sorry you can't accept facts.

 Everything okay with you Gballzack?