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Forums - Sales Discussion - I think Lips will sell a million by years end

My reason for thinking this is more and more people are telling me they are getting this for xmas.

Either as a present or for themselves.

3 people in my family are getting it for presents including myself.


My sis in law went into gamestop yesterday to get it and it was sold out.

She then phoned her brother who works in a town 50 miles away to get it.

When he got to the shop he got the last copy of it.

Has anybody else had similar experiences.





Around the Network

Good luck with that.

Yeah possible.

Right now it's at .34 million.

I'll take a no.

It needs to sell 660K over the next 3 weeks.

In the past 4 weeks, it has sold 336K

Very unlikely.


You anedoctal evidence means nothing.


And one other thing.


Sonic Unleashed on Wii has sold almost exactly equal to Lips (in 4 weeks it has sold 22K more, sold 3K more last week), do you think it will make 1M ETY 08? I say it has no chance whatsoever.

Lips should end at ~ 750K.


That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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pretty much no, but it has a chance to outsell Singstar PS3 until January 1st....

there is high chance it could, look at the increase in sales. its going up each week, strange...

Region Japan America Others Total
Total Sales 0.00m 0.17m 0.17m 0.34m
Week 1 n/a 15,195 21,146 36,341
Week 2 n/a 39,696 36,616 76,312
Week 3 n/a 42,364 49,005 91,369
Week 4 n/a 68,856 63,830 132,686

If motorstorm2 ( that didn't chart ANYWHERE ) can do it then why not lips which is actually charting in some european countries week after week ? Hell, using sony's math method it might have sold not one but two million copies !!!!!!

While it may not make it by this year, this is the type of game to have strong legs.

"But as always, technology refused to be dignity's bitch."--Vance DeGeneres

It wont reach 1m this Christmas. However, it'll reach 1m eventually.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.