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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why All The PS3 Hate?

NJ5 said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
NJ5 said:
blazinhead89 said:
NJ5 said:
blazinhead89 said:
@NJ5, so you take a video as evidence? So we watch video games now?

This is getting pretty off-topic, but when the video shows someone controlling the game to make a point, I sometimes do. Especially when other people who own the same game say the same thing.

Are you saying the video is fake?



No lol i believe the video is real, i meant evidence to support your claims.

Well if it's real why wouldn't I take it as evidence? Is it cursed or something?


You shouldn't make conclusions about games you haven't played yourself. The opinion you make of the game is generally adjusted to fit the discussion you're in, and thus you will "fool" yourself. This happens a lot, and you're essentially bashing without even knowing it yourself.


I didn't bash the game. I said it's not a must-have. Isn't a "must-have" synonymous with killer-app? Like Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii or Gears of War on the 360. Heavenly Sword doesn't look to be anywhere near one, not at this stage at least. MGS4 maybe...


I re-read, and you're right. I over-reacted a bit.

As for what a "must-have" is, I always thought it was just something people said when they really, really wanted something. I've never seen it used as a general term before this thread.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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leo-j said:


ps3 sales= not for gaming?

Well.. you said that people ain't buy the Wii (which is only a videogame console) for games, why would it be different for the PS3 (which has Blu-ray?)


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Pretty reasonable expectations you got there...yeah, 45-55 miliion sounds about right, though I wonder whether it leans more toward 50 million or 60 million..

NJ5 said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
NJ5 said:
blazinhead89 said:
NJ5 said:
blazinhead89 said:
@NJ5, so you take a video as evidence? So we watch video games now?

This is getting pretty off-topic, but when the video shows someone controlling the game to make a point, I sometimes do. Especially when other people who own the same game say the same thing.

Are you saying the video is fake?



No lol i believe the video is real, i meant evidence to support your claims.

Well if it's real why wouldn't I take it as evidence? Is it cursed or something?


You shouldn't make conclusions about games you haven't played yourself. The opinion you make of the game is generally adjusted to fit the discussion you're in, and thus you will "fool" yourself. This happens a lot, and you're essentially bashing without even knowing it yourself.


I didn't bash the game. I said it's not a must-have. Isn't a "must-have" synonymous with killer-app? Like Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii or Gears of War on the 360. Heavenly Sword doesn't look to be anywhere near one, not at this stage at least. MGS4 DEFINETLY


blazinhead89 said:
NJ5 said:
@blazinhead89: Where did I say the article is rubbish? Am I not allowed to take points of the article and respond to them? Do I have to write a whole thesis discussing each sentence the article contains?


You a thesis? LOL, The point that your getting as is that your trying to shred/disprove the points you don't agree with so it makes it look like the article is full of nonsense amd unreliable. I Don't see you Shred through and try and disprove positive News for Microsoft and Nintendo. Why all the hate?


So nobody is allowed to comment about points of an article and if somebody say something bad about the PS3 is hate? God, some you PS3 fans are too sensitive.

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

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donathos said:
PS3 hasn't done well this gen.

We've noticed it here for a while -- now, mainstream media is picking up on it, in part due to the deathwatch that general recession has brought on.

The article writer wants to say that PS3 hasn't done poorly at all; that it's sold a lot of consoles. And, hey, that's nifty! A lot of consoles = a lot of consoles, right? But of course it leaves out all of the context that we have: the expectations of the system going in; the historical success of the Playstation line; the success of its current competitors; the costs involved in the system's development, production & advertising.

I mean, hell, independent of context, selling *one* console is a great thing! If Sony had sold 10 PS3s during November... that's 10 more in the Sony family, right!? :) But it turns out that context does matter, and that the PS3's sales declining from last November is a pretty bad sign, regardless of the absolute amount sold, especially when considering that the PS2's sales are strongly down as well.

Of course CNN, Time, etc., aren't going to have the hardcore gamer's perspective -- they're mainstream and don't have the same knowledge base, passion or points of reference -- but whining about the mainstream press catching wind of what's going on here isn't going to solve anything.

The ps3 hasn't done well---you're right.

However, mainstream media spewing BS about it is not helping it's current state. If you've followed the article writer's posting history, he's posted he's fair share of sony negatives. However, BS needs to be called out and CNN and TIME have failed big time


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

blazinhead89 said:
NJ5 said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
NJ5 said:
blazinhead89 said:
NJ5 said:
blazinhead89 said:
@NJ5, so you take a video as evidence? So we watch video games now?

This is getting pretty off-topic, but when the video shows someone controlling the game to make a point, I sometimes do. Especially when other people who own the same game say the same thing.

Are you saying the video is fake?



No lol i believe the video is real, i meant evidence to support your claims.

Well if it's real why wouldn't I take it as evidence? Is it cursed or something?


You shouldn't make conclusions about games you haven't played yourself. The opinion you make of the game is generally adjusted to fit the discussion you're in, and thus you will "fool" yourself. This happens a lot, and you're essentially bashing without even knowing it yourself.


I didn't bash the game. I said it's not a must-have. Isn't a "must-have" synonymous with killer-app? Like Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii or Gears of War on the 360. Heavenly Sword doesn't look to be anywhere near one, not at this stage at least. MGS4 DEFINETLY



FIXED How can you say SMG and Gow on 360 are Definite killer apps, but "MGS4 Maybe".  :P

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

blazinhead89 said:


FIXED How can you say SMG and Gow on 360 are Definite killer apps, but "MGS4 Maybe".

Mostly because SMG and Gow have more mainstream appeal than MGS4, if nothing else because of the genres they're in. A true killer-app for the PS3 will probably be GT5, but MGS4 fits well enough too...


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
blazinhead89 said:


FIXED How can you say SMG and Gow on 360 are Definite killer apps, but "MGS4 Maybe".

Mostly because SMG and Gow have more mainstream appeal than MGS4, if nothing else because of the genres they're in. A true killer-app for the PS3 will probably be GT5, but MGS4 fits well enough too...


So sales =Quality??

I'm sorry but I don't see how reality qualifies as "hate".



Sony had it all : the brand, the players and the developpers, how it managed to lose it all in such a short frame is simply amazing.

But even more amazing is how much they thought the playstation brand, fans and developpers' loyalty would make up for:


- A really high entry price

- Such a poor and late support from Sony itself

- Blue-Ray's very debatable value to gamers

- A so-hard-to-pogram console most games look better on the 360

- Huge, arrogant, and fake promises that pissed Reason itself


Do you remember Sega ? Saturn was a huge disapointment the way the PS3 is, and the wonderful Dreamcast wasn't enough to get Sega back on it's feet.

I sincerely hope PlayStation 4 kicks ass, but for that to happen Sony really has to cut PS3 price right now.

God i hate fanboys, almost as much as they hate facts


“If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea” Antoine de St-Exupery

  +2Q  -2N  (to be read in french)