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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii number exchange (ongoing)

hmm yea i have it sometimes, maybe once a day or so, it's the first thing for nintendo so just trust em they will fix it 100%


 Btw i've send you a PM =)

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


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Good point DKII. I keep forgetting that. A database as ioi suggested would be good. That could include games' codes as well.


Hey guys,

My Striker code is 455368 - 327650. I will add you both - and may get a chance to have a play tonight (be out for most of the day... :P).


On another note - I finally got some time in with the game last night - online.

It may just be that I suck - but I found myself to be quite uncompetitive - even when playing as well as I can. I suspect having a slow ping can really kill you in this game - I was losing the ball at will, and completely unable to maintain any posession (even when using the fastest sidekicks, with the best passing skills).

I got fed up (the last game I played last night - about 2am) when I played an opponent that had a killer "pattern" going. He(?) chip kicked the ball between his players (I couldn't get it off), then slammed home a goal everytime.


Also disapointed with the matching service (so far...). I was ranked 400th (2W, 5L), and twice ended up playing someone around 50th - with more than 100 matches under their belt.  It wasn't pretty!


Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

That's the reason why online games doesn't appeal to me that much. I had this with Mario Kart DS as well. I always ended up with the ones who we're way better then me, more like the die hard gamers and was about a round behind. I was hoping that they would put a matching system in the game so you would end up against opponents in the same class, like you have with WII Sports, playing against computer figures which have about the same points as you have. As they didn't, the game doesn't look all too interesting to me then and I bet the single player is really boring, or not?

This profile is no longer in use, see my other profile *~Onna76~*

Hey mates, I know I'm late on this, but here is my system code:

Wii Number: 0081 - 3044 - 1559 - 2355

"There are three types of lies : Lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli ( Made famous by Mark Twain )

PSN ID: DeviantPathways

Wii Number: 0081 3044 1559 2355


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WiiGirl76 said:
That's the reason why online games doesn't appeal to me that much. I had this with Mario Kart DS as well. I always ended up with the ones who we're way better then me, more like the die hard gamers and was about a round behind. I was hoping that they would put a matching system in the game so you would end up against opponents in the same class, like you have with WII Sports, playing against computer figures which have about the same points as you have. As they didn't, the game doesn't look all too interesting to me then and I bet the single player is really boring, or not?

I have found this improves over time.

The ranking system is too stupid to work when you haven't played any games. I was ranked 1400 - and first game played player #2. And there is NO option to reject the game - which sort of sucks. I never had a chance, and never even wanted to play.

After I had lost about 10 games straight, started to matchmake me with more appropriate gamers - I even ended up winning a few matches!

I find the single player pretty fun as it is - the AI is quite challenging, and makes for great "training" for online.


Still, co-op or online for games like Wii Bowling would rock. Strikers is too "hardcore", and no one plays nice. Bring on Animal Crossing!



Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

0112 1248 6598 2140

See you on Pokemon Battle or Mario Strikers in the next two months!!!

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Everyone added, main list updated!


Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

Got my Wii online this weekend, so here goes:

7799 4341 9776 6114

In Memoriam RVW Jr.

SSBB Friend Code = 5455-9050-8670 (PM me if you add so I can add you!) 

Tetris Party Friend Code = 116129046416 (ditto)

Delete some of your friends if you have to, make room for DonWii.


I'll take on anyone in Pokemon Battle Revolution (and maybe Mario Strikers) soon...