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WiiGirl76 said:
That's the reason why online games doesn't appeal to me that much. I had this with Mario Kart DS as well. I always ended up with the ones who we're way better then me, more like the die hard gamers and was about a round behind. I was hoping that they would put a matching system in the game so you would end up against opponents in the same class, like you have with WII Sports, playing against computer figures which have about the same points as you have. As they didn't, the game doesn't look all too interesting to me then and I bet the single player is really boring, or not?

I have found this improves over time.

The ranking system is too stupid to work when you haven't played any games. I was ranked 1400 - and first game played player #2. And there is NO option to reject the game - which sort of sucks. I never had a chance, and never even wanted to play.

After I had lost about 10 games straight, started to matchmake me with more appropriate gamers - I even ended up winning a few matches!

I find the single player pretty fun as it is - the AI is quite challenging, and makes for great "training" for online.


Still, co-op or online for games like Wii Bowling would rock. Strikers is too "hardcore", and no one plays nice. Bring on Animal Crossing!



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