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Hey guys,

My Striker code is 455368 - 327650. I will add you both - and may get a chance to have a play tonight (be out for most of the day... :P).


On another note - I finally got some time in with the game last night - online.

It may just be that I suck - but I found myself to be quite uncompetitive - even when playing as well as I can. I suspect having a slow ping can really kill you in this game - I was losing the ball at will, and completely unable to maintain any posession (even when using the fastest sidekicks, with the best passing skills).

I got fed up (the last game I played last night - about 2am) when I played an opponent that had a killer "pattern" going. He(?) chip kicked the ball between his players (I couldn't get it off), then slammed home a goal everytime.


Also disapointed with the matching service (so far...). I was ranked 400th (2W, 5L), and twice ended up playing someone around 50th - with more than 100 matches under their belt.  It wasn't pretty!


Gesta Non Verba

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