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Forums - Sony Discussion - No More Voice Chat In PlayStation Home


Now that Home is back up again, users will notice that they can no longer use voice chat services to talk to other players present in Home. Sony says that the feature has been "temporarily suspended." No clear reason has been provided for the move by the company but one can speculate that either a hardware issue needs to be fixed or some gamers have used the voice chat to transmit messages that Sony deems unacceptable, like insults. Sony doesn't say when the feature is turned on again but any news will be delivered to PS3 users in due time. Meanwhile, the Wireless Keypad and the Bluetooth enabled keyboard can be used to communicate within PlayStation Home.

My thoughts: Somewhat bad news, especially for users like myself who don't have a wireless keyboard. Hopefully the feature will come out of suspension in the near future. The thing that bugs me about it is that I can't see how they are planning on fixing the issue. If voice chat exists, then stopping insults sounds impossible.


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for 6 hours



its only for a time.
and u can still ring people.

i use a usb keyboard thought i am waiting for my paycheck to my socom bundle

it'll be back it's just temporary

Gilgamesh said:

it'll be back it's just temporary


How will they stop people from insulting each other?

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perpride said:
Gilgamesh said:

it'll be back it's just temporary


How will they stop people from insulting each other?


u can't stop that, but thats why a mute feature exist.


I just use a USB keyboard, never bothered to use the headset for HOME

Well besides that, Gebx told you to post this huh?

@CGI-Quality - Sorry dude, I will def. keep that in mind for my next thread.

@indodude - In the interest of keeping things fair. The only reason the guy gets banned is because everybody automatically assumes his hate for PS3 is the reason behind his threads. Everybody knows I have nothing but love for the PS family. I think this alone will increase the amount of involvement from PS fans in these kinds of threads.

The ps blog said that the feature will be up within 6-12 hours after the maintanence.


perpride said:
Gilgamesh said:

it'll be back it's just temporary


How will they stop people from insulting each other?


Flying insults might not really be the issue. Or perhaps it is and SONY will now be instilling Moderators accounts into Home to swing down the BanHammers of Doom.

Meh, who knows. I didn't use my mic much. I always used my Keyboard :)

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