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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In a few years Nintendo will no longer be the handheld gaming king...

Really... bashing the DS for the lack of quality games is plain stupid.

This is one of the most epic fail threads that I have ever seen here on VGChartz.

I really enjoy the threads made by Sony fans, because some are very intelligent and with valid points... but this thread is just pathetic.

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Your second paragraph pretty much ruined your entire argument. Nice one.

If only the I-phone had a stylus. 1 simple piece of plastic could have tripled their game library and massively improved general user interface.
I-phone owners say they have no need for a stylus, but i see them jealously staring at my crispy clean DS touch screen, untainted by greasy fingerprints from failed attempts at miniature typing.

Member of the Pikmin Fan Club

My problem with this thread is that th OP states why it will be so easy to transition people who bought Iphone/Itouch to buying games. I want to know how Apple is planning on selling the device to the casuals he references.

I was in the home of an older (50s) couple in our neighborhood recently. They had a DS on their table. Wondering if it was their's or a grandchild's I asked who it belonged to. "It's mine, his is in the bedroom." !! They then proceeded to try to sell me on the idea of buying my own. (I still don't have one!)

These are the types of people that need the simplest and cheapest cell phone available, whose MP3 players (if they have one at all) were loaded by their children, and they need their handhelds pop in and play.

"You can never jump away from Conclusions. Getting back is not so easy. That's why we're so terribly crowded here."

Canby - The Phantom Tollbooth

lol i was about to read all of it, good thing i read the first 3 post

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Although there is some overlap between people who own a Nintendo DS and the early adopter techie crowd, a large portion of people who are interested in conventional handheld gaming devices are not the type of people who would buy a high end phone or MP3 player like the iPhone/iPod touch. Even though it is not fair to say that the Nintendo DS is a product that is only for children, no one can ignore that children under the age of 13 make up a large portion of the DS' userbase and no parent in their right mind will buy these children a $400+ phone/mp3 player; on top of this you also have middle aged and older gamers who may not be comfortable with complicated devices like the iPhone.

Now, the demographic problems will (start to) go away as devices like the iPhone and iPod touch come down in price but then the secondary problem comes into play ... As time goes on competitive devices in the phone/MP3 player market are gaining support because they offer a similar feature set at a more competitive price, and 2 to 3 year old iPods/iPhones have very different capabilities/featuresets, which results in a very small set of devices with uniform capabilities. As a developer you really don't want to be working on developing a product where you have to target dozens of user-interface variations and dozens of hardware architectures when there is a single device that has a similar userbase.


wfz said:
Grampy said:
iPhones, Blackberries, I've really had it with techno toys that do absolutely everything and nothing particularly well. The cell phone that thinks it's a MP3 player, a pissant toy computer, a personal Western Union, a sorry assed camera and gaming console. It's the Swiss Army knife of personal communications. Alexander Graham Bell meets Sharper Image. A wonderful status symbol, techterbation till you go blind.

So why , oh why can nobody make me what I really want. A phone......Just a phone, not a camera, a computer or a video game ...... JUST a phone.


Was that a stab at the DSi?

Not at all. I just don't understand why you cannot get a cell phone thats just a phone. If they'd just put all that effort into the phones themselves maybe they would sound clearer and work better.




well this is a peice of fucking bullshit!

SSBB Code: 5327-2374-8112

MKWii Code : 3780-9266-6102

CoD WaW Code: 1376-1190-5157

The OP is right, but for all the wrong reasons. Well, not entirely correct, but still.

How come? Well, look at it this way.

A boat is female.

A house is female.

A country is female 

A company is female.

Nintendo is a company.

Nintendo is female.

Females are queens.


So he just worded himself stupidly.

"In a few years, Nintendo will not be the handheld gaming king" would have been fine, and correct.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Yay for apple getting more popular, but no. Nintendo has been, is, and forever will be the king of handhelds. thats just the way its gonna be. it was fortold in the prophecies!

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m