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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In a few years Nintendo will no longer be the handheld gaming king...

LOL, I'm late but wtf. In your dreams apple boy.

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I think the DS is the most overrated gaming platform of all time and I can think of more than 10 good games for it.

No imo, the wii is the most overated...but thats just me.

Iphone to dethrone GPS's and personal computers confirmed as well

FishyJoe said:

Nintendo has a huge catalog of games that could be easily ported to just about any portable system. Though I highly doubt anyone can dethrone them on the hardware end, Nintendo is still the leading publisher of portable game software in the world. Not only in their ability to create new software, but their existing library of games is worth billions. That software capability is something neither Apple, MS or Sony can recreate.

thats pushing it.

because even so sony ruled for a decade. and now got a awesome first party. even without the nintendo games.

same got for m$. well halo is awesome :P


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I dont THINK ipod will dethrone ds or psp but I do HOPE so :)

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates

Grampy said:
iPhones, Blackberries, I've really had it with techno toys that do absolutely everything and nothing particularly well. The cell phone that thinks it's a MP3 player, a pissant toy computer, a personal Western Union, a sorry assed camera and gaming console. It's the Swiss Army knife of personal communications. Alexander Graham Bell meets Sharper Image. A wonderful status symbol, techterbation till you go blind.

So why , oh why can nobody make me what I really want. A phone......Just a phone, not a camera, a computer or a video game ...... JUST a phone.


Was that a stab at the DSi?

I wouldn't be surprised if nintendogs alone outsold the "3000" i phone games combined.

Jo21 said:
FishyJoe said:

Nintendo has a huge catalog of games that could be easily ported to just about any portable system. Though I highly doubt anyone can dethrone them on the hardware end, Nintendo is still the leading publisher of portable game software in the world. Not only in their ability to create new software, but their existing library of games is worth billions. That software capability is something neither Apple, MS or Sony can recreate.

thats pushing it.

because even so sony ruled for a decade. and now got a awesome first party. even without the nintendo games.

same got for m$. well halo is awesome :P


What FishyJoe is saying is that Sony's first party software sales fade in the shadow of Nintendo's first party juggernaut, which is true.

Read this please... and this is an outdated list: