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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - IGN XBOX 360 and XBOX Live Game of 2008

leo-j said:
Onyxmeth said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
I think we all know what this means. MGS4 = Overall GOTY 2008 :D

Why does it mean this?



 because fallout 3 is on the ps3..and MGS4 won goty for ps3? Same with GTA IV

I'm not sure that's how it works though. The procedure may be to vote again on a GOTY, so that means all of the Fallout 3 votes for 360 would be combined with any Fallout 3 votes for PS3 and any for PC to make a pretty big total. You need to remember that different teams make each GOTY section, so when they get together things could be very different from how it may seem because it's new voters in the mix.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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BTFeather55 said:
IGN Overall Game of the Year is going to be funny for all the GTA IV naysayers because it will either be GTA IV or GTA IV and MGS 4 in a tie. can GTAIV be overall GOTY when it wasn't the best game on any platform this year? World of Goo has a better chance than GTAIV at this point.

@ Onyx
I suppose that makes sense... and I did forget that the PS3 version of Fallout had a few technical issues that may have kept it from PS3 GOTY.

Game of the year and graphics should have been gears. Im sorry but having just completed gears 2 today I have to say it is miles ahead of other games in terms of graphics. It's like the first game only on a huge scale. I think even KZ2 is going to struggle competing. Yea KZ2 will look better when in a small area but damn if there will be open landscapes as big as gears or areas where you move so ridiculously fast.

Im ridiculously impressed with GoW2. I really liked the first one but I wouldn't have put it in my top games. The second game though really is just better in every way. I actually think reviews haven't been generous enough as well. The story is a lot better than most sites give the game credit for. Im actually interested to see what happens in the 3rd.

But yea MGS4 deserves PS3 GOTY (it's not my cup of tea but there is no denying that is one amazingly well made game) and graphics tech. GoW2 deserves best 360 game and overall best graphics on a console this year. For me GoW2 would also be game of the year (although I haven't played PoP yet and I do love me some PoP)

Tbh Fallout 3 shouldn't even be near the top 10 for games this year. I still don't understand the appeal of it. Gameplay is far worse than other shooters, the story isn't interesting, characters aren't interesting, graphics are good but severly hindered by awful animation. It basically just feels like Fo3 got good scores because hey look it's a big open map! I mean seriously how can people review mass effect, then go play fallout 3 and think it's a good game. Playing Fo3 feels like playing an rpg from the 90s only minus story =/ It's basically just a game to collect loot.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.

jammy2211 said:
Fallout 3 is an amazing game and totally deserves it. It's definitely my game of the year, albeit I'm playing it on PS3.

Not played Braid so can't comment, odd they do a Live Arcade GOTY but Wii didn't have a seperate award for WiiWare?


i agree Fallout 3 is the best I've played also.
i think some of the ( same old same old) is coming back on some of the titles, dress it up nice and pitch you a gun and off you go again to kill another set mutants is nice but its getting old with the reviewers. 

Yep, i'm a girl

MGS 4 won't get many votes from the 360 team at IGN as it wasn't on the 360. The same will be true for Gears by the PS3 staff. World of Goo won't get many votes from the 360 or PS3 staffs. So it will come down to the multi-platform games that get the most votes and that will be Fallout 3 and GTA IV. As the PS3 version of Fallout 3 had so many bugs upon release, a fact that will be taken into consideration, and GTA IV had a patch released shortly after its release which fixed most of its bugs plus the fact that it remained popular on PS3 with its bugs (regarded as the top rated game of this gen at places like Metacritic and Game Rankings) and since GTA IV PS3 sold the best to the Japanese audience, GTA IV will get enough votes from the PC, 360, and PS3 sides to be Overall Game of the Year at IGN.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

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Well i agree that Fallout 3 is game of the year, but not only for the 360, for all consoles, but i think Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix should be Xbox live game of the year, i can't stop playin.

Nice to see that my GOTY is their GOTY too.

Fallout 3 is an amazing RPG. The best I've played on the X360. Why is it so hard to believe that a great game can come on 2 systems? Yes, Gears 2 looks great, but it's a by-the-books sequel.

This is akin to Resident Evil 4 winning lots of awards - the design was so foreign & awesome from the rest of the series, that it got lots of praise.

Stop lapping up exclusives as being the only way a game can be good. Bethsada put out it's best product, ever. And they deserve such an award.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Some of those choices sound pretty dodgy (GTA IV for best graphics, wtf?), but I wholeheartedly agree with Fallout 3 and Braid. Both are masterpieces.

I think Gears 2 had better voice acting than GTA IV, in addition to having waaaaaaaay better graphics.

GTA 4 over 360 on graphics, those guys need a good glasses, or maybe, they didnt play gears 2.

End of 2011 (made 02/01/11) 
Wii: 99.453 m
Xbox 360: 67.837 m 
Ps 3: 60.726 m

Best Games/Serie of the Generation

BTFeather55 said:

   IGN 360 Game of the Year = Fallout 3

   IGN XBOX Live Game of the Year = Braid Geometr Wars 2




Better now!

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).