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Game of the year and graphics should have been gears. Im sorry but having just completed gears 2 today I have to say it is miles ahead of other games in terms of graphics. It's like the first game only on a huge scale. I think even KZ2 is going to struggle competing. Yea KZ2 will look better when in a small area but damn if there will be open landscapes as big as gears or areas where you move so ridiculously fast.

Im ridiculously impressed with GoW2. I really liked the first one but I wouldn't have put it in my top games. The second game though really is just better in every way. I actually think reviews haven't been generous enough as well. The story is a lot better than most sites give the game credit for. Im actually interested to see what happens in the 3rd.

But yea MGS4 deserves PS3 GOTY (it's not my cup of tea but there is no denying that is one amazingly well made game) and graphics tech. GoW2 deserves best 360 game and overall best graphics on a console this year. For me GoW2 would also be game of the year (although I haven't played PoP yet and I do love me some PoP)

Tbh Fallout 3 shouldn't even be near the top 10 for games this year. I still don't understand the appeal of it. Gameplay is far worse than other shooters, the story isn't interesting, characters aren't interesting, graphics are good but severly hindered by awful animation. It basically just feels like Fo3 got good scores because hey look it's a big open map! I mean seriously how can people review mass effect, then go play fallout 3 and think it's a good game. Playing Fo3 feels like playing an rpg from the 90s only minus story =/ It's basically just a game to collect loot.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.