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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - What's Your Favorite NXE Feature?

For me so far it has been the ability to buy stuff over Live Marketplace on the Internet.  I thought this was going to be redundantly stupid, but it turns out I really like it.

I read articles about new stuff available for free or that looks interesting enough to purchase.  Then I hop over to and add it to my download queue.  I then walk over to the 360, turn it on, wait for my profile to sign in, then turn it off.  The 360 then does the low power, background download.  Later in the day, when I feel like it, I just go and play the download.

What's your favorite feature so far?

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Definitely HDD installs.

By far and away the netflix feature.

It will sound stupid, but I also really like the new friends list. It's a funny and easy way to see them and what they are doing. The party chat is also cool.

I was really cynical when they announced XLE, I thought it would be a crappy upgrade. But to be honest, I love all of it.

I really like the games section where it shows little clips of them.





What badgenome said. It's great to play a game without a vacuum cleaner running in the background. I don't have to turn my stereo up a few extra notches anymore. After that would be Marketplace over the Internet.

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Ender said:

It will sound stupid, but I also really like the new friends list. It's a funny and easy way to see them and what they are doing.

I have to disagree. Especially the "easy" part. It's far easier to see what people are doing from the new blades, and it's also more detailed (in that it tells you exactly what they are doing).

I'm really not a fan of the new friends list. Especially when it's the only real reason for these premium themes, i.e. to have something else for your friends to be stood in front of.

And on the topic of premium themes, why the heck can't I preview them before buying them? There's tons of Gears of War II premium themes and I wanna know which one I prefer without having to buy them all.

The HDD install's about the only feature of the NXE I've used, I think.

I'm not really a party person  And I'm UK so I don't get Netflix. And not having it's annoying cos it sounds great.


Without a second thought, the answer is Netflix.

*hits the buzzer*


Netflix streaming movies, no question about it.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


d21lewis said:
Without a second thought, the answer is Netflix.

*hits the buzzer*


Hopefully Netflix and Microsoft will figure out how to make this available in all countries outside the US one day.

Being able to remove 0 gs games from my account... then install feature, but that is not that useful as I only have a 20gb HDD