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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kotaku: Resident Evil 5 on PS3 looks lousy compared to 360

noslodecoy said:
The original poster sort of got "owned", but is it really worth celebrating that the author claimed that the "PS3 version looked almost identical to the 360 version"? That's still not yet a win. It's still replacing bad news with slightly better, but on the whole still bad news.

On the bright side, there's still room to tweak the PS3 version, so we won't really be able to tell until the reviews come out. It is possible that the PS3 version could come out ahead in the end. Although it is unlikely by this article.


 Well it seems that the ps3 game is a port of the 360 so this may still be the case but developers have gotten a hang on the ps3 so although the 360 might look 'slightly' better it still wont be noticable when your playing the game(The only time it is noticable is in still pics , but the J man still doesnt see the need to analyz pics)

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

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I hope the ps3 disc sets itself on fire after opening the case, and then turns into 59,99 dollars so the owner can go and buy a good game.

Same with the 360 version.

Just spreading my hate about RE5, sorry. Move on with the thread...

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"


The games look identical. Its just Kotaku Xbox fanboyism at its best.

Look at the gametrailers comparison video that Max put up. Theres no difference.

*sighs*.... I can't even say "I expect this game to scare me". I'm really just buying it for the action based entertainment and RE4 like gameplay :(

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