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Forums - Website Topics - Moderators please I am begging you.

Well, this is one topic you'll never see on Neogaf. Please mods, ban more people.

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire

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Make me a mod. It would be a grand experiment.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Make ME a god....errr...Mod...I got alot of personal debts to

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

Darc: Thanks! Although I think I'd be a bit more effective with a ban hatchet.



indodude said:


Indeed it is.

OT: But... but... I don't want a vacation D=.... have you seen my post history these past 3 weeks???? I won't survive 10 seconds here if the mods get as serious as you want them to

4 ≈ One

Around the Network

I agree with Dodece, ban Dodece.

PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Make me a mod. It would be a grand experiment.


Zen... as a mod??????

*Cry's at the thought*.... change the stated time in my previous post to 2 seconds

4 ≈ One

DGC1808 - You're exactly what Dodece is talking about - a 2 word commentary on every single thread does not make you a contributor, it makes you a spammer. If you've got nothing to write with substance that adds to the discussion, don't write anything. A quick browse through your post history shows that a majority of your posts could be written with less than 2 seconds thinking time including the time it takes to type, or when you occasionally have a view to express it's never backed up with anything to support it. I'm sorry if this is coming across as an unwarranted personal attack but you're too good of an example. Over 4200 posts in less than 6 months and not an inch of substance in any of them. You can't write 'Go PS3!', 'That sucks!' or 'EPIC!' 4000 times without someone take notice.

Yes, bans all around, plus we should have some festive ban pics to kick this season of banning off

Kickin' Those Games Old School.       -       201 Beaten Games And Counting

Fumanchu said:
DGC1808 - You're exactly what Dodece is talking about - a 2 word commentary on every single thread does not make you a contributor, it makes you a spammer. If you've got nothing to write with substance that adds to the discussion, don't write anything. A quick browse through your post history shows that a majority of your posts could be written with less than 2 seconds thinking time including the time it takes to type, or when you occasionally have a view to express it's never backed up with anything to support it. I'm sorry if this is coming across as an unwarranted personal attack but you're too good of an example. Over 4200 posts in less than 6 months and not an inch of substance in any of them. You can't write 'Go PS3!', 'That sucks!' or 'EPIC!' 4000 times without someone take notice.


That hurts.....

4 ≈ One