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Forums - Website Topics - Moderators please I am begging you.

amp316 said:
psrock said:
MontanaHatchet said:
psrock said:
well, I don't want nobody complaining when half of the site gets ban, you guys don't know how quick Monti ban finger is.

He might lock the virgin thread again.

I would ban you if not for your sex-tronic avatar.



I use it as shield, who could ban something so sexy?


 Women with interesting personalities are sexier than the picture of a tan ass.


You forgot to add "Jk jk, I kid I kid!"


Oh, and I agree on the banning part. Some threads see no discussion-life because of trolling.

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I can understand where it is a thankless job, but never the less it needs to be done. They are getting braver by the day, and they have become so emboldened that they are openly declaring their allegiances to cliques. Worse then then that they are actively derailing threads, and spamming. When a poster repeats the same thing in twenty threads its spamming.

Anyway they are so blatant now its not hard to pick them out. Go to where the fires are, and you will see them bantering back and forth. Most of them are behaving like rabid fanboys, and openly proclaiming they are such, or are working as a member of a group.

The best way to differentiate between an opinion and trolling is to just look at the volume of a post. Now if the poster is saying something unpopular, but is taking the time to formulate what they are saying you know that is a legitimate opinion. Now if it is unpopular and it took less then a minute to write, and that poster does the same in multiple posts. That is a troll hard at work. They do not care if they are expressing a view point. They are just trying to spread the net and cause havoc far and wide.

I doubt anyone will get seriously upset anyway. Give them a week off, and it will be Christmas which means they will be in a better mood when they come back, and since they will come wandering in one or two at a time it will be hell for them to get that groove back, and since its a week till the new year the sales will drop off, and thus their will be that much less to argue about. I think part of the reason that it is so bad now beyond the shift is, because they have nothing better to do or play as it were.

I know I am not playing much until Christmas when I expect to get a few new games. That has to be part of it, but no excuse to get their rocks off here by tormenting the community.

MontanaHatchet said:
psrock said:
MontanaHatchet said:
psrock said:
well, I don't want nobody complaining when half of the site gets ban, you guys don't know how quick Monti ban finger is.

He might lock the virgin thread again.

I would ban you if not for your sex-tronic avatar.



I use it as shield, who could ban something so sexy?

If you stare at it really closely, it looks like a mountain pass with a yellow road going off into the distance.


drools I agree completely Montana...


-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

amp316 said:
psrock said:
MontanaHatchet said:
psrock said:
well, I don't want nobody complaining when half of the site gets ban, you guys don't know how quick Monti ban finger is.

He might lock the virgin thread again.

I would ban you if not for your sex-tronic avatar.



I use it as shield, who could ban something so sexy?


 Women with interesting personalities are sexier than the picture of a tan ass.

Here, here!

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

We need Robocop to cleanse the forums.

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If anything the mods are *too* ban happy.  It's a discussion board.  Get over it.

Maybe you guys are right. I'm sure that the guys with avatars like that are the ones that are having sex the most.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

amp316 said:
MontanaHatchet said:
The problem is that whenever I give even a simple warning, I'm dragged into a several PM long debate over how much of an asshole I am. I actually had to debate with someone over PM whether or not opinions are trolling.


Ban them all.  Ban me.  Hit that ban button.  Is there a ban button? 

I can't find one on my keyboard...

Welcome to the internet. If you think it's just this site, your crazy. I've seen much worse. MUCH WORSE.
Also, there are terrible trolls on all sides, not just the sony side even though you might be right about the sony ones being really bad lately. IDK. In the end, it doesn't really matter. Just ignore them, it's not like they are real people, just words on a computer.

PS3 Trophies



Jackson50 said:

We need Robocop to cleanse the forums.

Winwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwinwin... win.