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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is there so much hate for GTAIV?

Because the "lower class" (intellectually speaking, though there is a correlation between education, career choice and intellectual capacity) prefers disposable and shallow fun (provided by previous GTA games) vs a deeper, better storyline that provides some sort of intellectual stimulation. 80% of the population is made up of such people.

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DTG said:
Because the "lower class" (intellectually speaking, though there is a correlation between education, career choice and intellectual capacity) prefers disposable and shallow fun (provided by previous GTA games) vs a deeper, better storyline that provides some sort of intellectual stimulation. 80% of the population is made up of such people.

This is a sandbox game not a movie or book.

Also did you pull that 80% statistic out of your ass?


Pixel Art can be fun.

Seece my friend, I made a thread with the exact same title a while ago. To this day I still don't understand either. The game is absolutely massive. Personally, I can't believe there are people that compare it to MKWii...makes me sad.

perpride said:
Seece my friend, I made a thread with the exact same title a while ago. To this day I still don't understand either. The game is absolutely massive. Personally, I can't believe there are people that compare it to MKWii...makes me sad.

The only reason people compare GTA4 to MKWii is because of their release dates.


Pixel Art can be fun.

DTG said:
Because the "lower class" (intellectually speaking, though there is a correlation between education, career choice and intellectual capacity) prefers disposable and shallow fun (provided by previous GTA games) vs a deeper, better storyline that provides some sort of intellectual stimulation. 80% of the population is made up of such people.


It'd could be easily argued that the more complex sandboxes of previous GTA's appeal better to creative thinkers since they allow them to enjoy emergent gameplay instead of just trucking along the rails set by the developers.

Really, GTA4's narrative was good for videogame standards but c'mon, considering it intellectual stimulation....

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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Because is a boring game?
And it actually sucks??

Meh. The other thread had way cooler responses than this one and was pre-GOTY. You should dig that one up. Good times.

One_touch_KO said:
Because is a boring game?
And it actually sucks??

Funny that you would bring this up. Have you played it yet? If not, why are you commenting?


I hate GTA games all of them , I'm not picking on iv , this is better right? ;)

People consider it way overrated.

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