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Forums - Sales Discussion - Double bubble nearly for 360

Why is it amazing that the 360 nearly has Double Bubble? I have a tub full of Double Bubble.

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^ hurts me teeth to thick,

2:1 over the PS3? Cause it's being outsold 2:1 by the Wii too.

DMeisterJ said:
2:1 over the PS3? Cause it's being outsold 2:1 by the Wii too.


 hey yeah I didn't think about that.... that would only be like 1,000 units off. That's would be nearly for me!

It's just funny how all PS3 fanboys can say is "IT'S NOT NEARLY DOUBLE" When PS3 had like 415,000 & 360 had 320,000+ more than that lol  PS3 fanboys just cant stand the fact that the 360 is almost DOUBLING PS3 sales week after week, and the Wii is also dominating 360 & PS3 in hardware sales.  But people also forget that 360 sells more 3rd party software than PS3 & Wii COMBINED, whereas Wii & PS3 seem to sell 70% 1st party, due to the fact that PS3 & Wii have bigger 1st parties being the ONLY reason thier 1st parties outsell 360s.

360 will outsell PS3 YTD for 2008. (CHECK!)
360 will have the best showing at E3 & TGS in 2009
2009 will be another year for the 360 over PS3
End OF 2009 SALES :: 360 - 40M;  PS3 - 30M; Wii - 70M

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Max King of the Wild said:
dhummel said:
Max King of the Wild said:
ymeaga1n said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Grahamhsu said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Grahamhsu said:

I don't see an exact answer as nearly must equate to in numbers or percentages. So in his opinion yes it is nearly. Is it spinning? No it's called having an opinion on the internet and quite frankly Max I'm getting very sick of your opinions that only serve to try to hurt other people's opinions.

If you don't think nearly is a good word choice than give them a suggestion to use instead of nearly. Perhaps nearly nearly would please you more but attacking other posters for having different ideas than you is just a problem with your inflexibility to other people.



360 outsold ps3 by decent margin > 360 nearly doubled ps3

Look Max I'll agree to me the sales aren't close to nearly however nearly is a vague term with different definitions to every person. Your argument about the definiton of what nearly should be is about as pointless as arguing whether the cup is half full or half empty. The fact that it's been going on for over a page and your indifference toward other posters word choice is what bothers me most.


 I wasn't the one who started the nearly arguement. I just said 100k difference doesnt equal double then the people tried to use "nut he said nearly" as a defence and that is just a cop out. You'd actually have some standing if I was the one trying to discredit the OP by splitting hairs though... but it is infamy and the others who are.(You're last sentance is saying I was the one who was arguing the words when thats not that case) didn't read the title of the thread you were posting it? It says nearly right in the title.


My point proven?


How is your point proven? The sequence of events you bolded were wrong, as proven by the second point you bolded! Unbelievable.

I recognize Max's line of argument in attempting to argue semantics instead of content. I agree with an earlier poster - it's pathetic when the best Max and co can do is claim the adjective to describe 360's pouncing on PS3 is too strong. An adjective like "almost" might do the trick. The 360 almost doubled PS3 sales this week. Victory is sweet, huh Max?


 whats with all these low post count noobs trying to argue with me and being completely wrong? Like i said previously. I had 2 other points everyone seems to ignore... obviously the best you guys can try and do is discredit me by only paying attention to one point.... and its funny how you guys are trying to tell me im trying to argue semantics when.... are you ready for the irony? THATS WHAT YOU GUYS ARE DOING TO TRY AND DISCREDIT ME!!!! GASP!

LOL hypocrits. Arguing semantics and saying i only have semantics to argue about....

So the fact that I point out a blatant, honestly embarrasing contradiction that you constructed yourself in an attempt to sound cute and smart makes me a hypocrit [sic]? Interesting. Your other points were lame, by the way, thus the lack of attention paid to them.


reask said:
leo-j said:
Yea its half the price of the cheapest ps3 in NA, and its even less than that in Europe and japan =)


My point exactly.

what?.... your point exactly?... 

you didn't type anything in the OP that was even remotely related to the reply you quoted...

were you just waiting for someone to come up with the price excuse so you could say "my point exactly" ?


what exactly is the Price Point anyway?

I mean the games play the same and look the same on both systems, but to buy one system cheaper is why the 360 is winning? It has nothing to do with all the AAA titles, or Online Experience?? I guess the same could be said for the PS3 early year high sales and MGS4.

I guess the DS being cheaper then the PsP is the reason why the DS sells so amazingly.. has nothing to do with it's game library...

but heck.. sense "08' year of PS3" is done with, I guess some people have no choice to to blame something.

PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

Max king,

You are truely the Maxx PS3 fanboy.

I made a post about motorstorm 2 not anywhere close to a miilion sold to customer and you again tried to argue againt my reason. How in the world can a game that never charted any higher than 20 in any chart at anytime and came out less than 2 months ago sold 1 million. Son, please.

Ok, yea I guess MS2 sale of 350,000 is not nearly a million by your definition, right, Max King? So please stop with your nonsense about other's people post.

thit,s good or bad?......

DMeisterJ said:
2:1 over the PS3? Cause it's being outsold 2:1 by the Wii too.

If it makes you happy?, but I do not believe that it changes the things for ps3...