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Forums - Sales Discussion - Double bubble nearly for 360

When +-10% can be considered a statistical tie, then yes it is nearly

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

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Infamy79 said:
When +-10% can be considered a statistical tie, then yes it is nearly


 so when you see 830 and 739 you think "hm those numbers are pretty close"

please. nearly would be like 739 vs 780

Max King of the Wild said:
Infamy79 said:
Yeah, we're the one spinning numbers
The OP never said double anyway, he said "nearly" which is true

Talk about grasping at straws


 nearly isn't 15% sorry to break that to you.


oooo precentage........well PS3 sales is just 56% of 360 sales and since 50% is half I would say it is nearly.

Predictions for 2009:

360: 39-42 PS3: 31-34 Wii: 67-70

Future projection

Wii will hit 100 million before christmas 2010 (made december 2008)

NDS Family will have sold and shipped more then PS2 at the end of 2009 (made january 2009)

Kinda funny when all sony fans have left is to argue that it's "not nearly double"

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

PalmiNio said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Infamy79 said:
Yeah, we're the one spinning numbers
The OP never said double anyway, he said "nearly" which is true

Talk about grasping at straws


 nearly isn't 15% sorry to break that to you.


oooo precentage........well PS3 sales is just 56% of 360 sales and since 50% is half I would say it is nearly.


 theres that spin again... you do realize that means that you would need to take 44k off for the ps3. That means 370 would be the numbers for the ps3 to get doubled.... 370 is closer to 415 than 739 is to 830 but it still isnt nearly

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Infamy79 said:
Kinda funny when all sony fans have left is to argue that it's "not quite double"


 i had two other points but you somehow ignored them with trying to argue petty shit that im right about

I don't see an exact answer as nearly must equate to in numbers or percentages. So in his opinion yes it is nearly. Is it spinning? No it's called having an opinion on the internet and quite frankly Max I'm getting very sick of your opinions that only serve to try to hurt other people's opinions.

If you don't think nearly is a good word choice than give them a suggestion to use instead of nearly. Perhaps nearly nearly would please you more but attacking other posters for having different ideas than you is just a problem with your inflexibility to other people.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Grahamhsu said:

I don't see an exact answer as nearly must equate to in numbers or percentages. So in his opinion yes it is nearly. Is it spinning? No it's called having an opinion on the internet and quite frankly Max I'm getting very sick of your opinions that only serve to try to hurt other people's opinions.

If you don't think nearly is a good word choice than give them a suggestion to use instead of nearly. Perhaps nearly nearly would please you more but attacking other posters for having different ideas than you is just a problem with your inflexibility to other people.



360 outsold ps3 by decent margin > 360 nearly doubled ps3

P:Max King of the Wild said:
Grahamhsu said:

I don't see an exact answer as nearly must equate to in numbers or percentages. So in his opinion yes it is nearly. Is it spinning? No it's called having an opinion on the internet and quite frankly Max I'm getting very sick of your opinions that only serve to try to hurt other people's opinions.

If you don't think nearly is a good word choice than give them a suggestion to use instead of nearly. Perhaps nearly nearly would please you more but attacking other posters for having different ideas than you is just a problem with your inflexibility to other people.



360 outsold ps3 by decent margin > 360 nearly doubled ps3

LOL....*wipes tear*...ahh, only a ps3 fanboi


Well percentage is they way to go. And since the numbers is not 100% accurate the difference falls easily within the error margin. In medicine you can have a 95% certainty on some test so in this type case it is not far off.

The reality can be over double and under double but the margins clearly predicts that the double mark is statistically good due to the fact that the number is within the interval of error.

In this kind of predictions +/- 15% is acceptable so it is nearly.

Working on market reseach so it is fun to spin with number. It is a way to lie without actualy lying.

Predictions for 2009:

360: 39-42 PS3: 31-34 Wii: 67-70

Future projection

Wii will hit 100 million before christmas 2010 (made december 2008)

NDS Family will have sold and shipped more then PS2 at the end of 2009 (made january 2009)