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Well percentage is they way to go. And since the numbers is not 100% accurate the difference falls easily within the error margin. In medicine you can have a 95% certainty on some test so in this type case it is not far off.

The reality can be over double and under double but the margins clearly predicts that the double mark is statistically good due to the fact that the number is within the interval of error.

In this kind of predictions +/- 15% is acceptable so it is nearly.

Working on market reseach so it is fun to spin with number. It is a way to lie without actualy lying.

Predictions for 2009:

360: 39-42 PS3: 31-34 Wii: 67-70

Future projection

Wii will hit 100 million before christmas 2010 (made december 2008)

NDS Family will have sold and shipped more then PS2 at the end of 2009 (made january 2009)