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Forums - Sales Discussion - Double bubble nearly for 360

fulcizombie said:
blazinhead89 said:
sega4life said:
blazinhead89 said:
numonex said:
The price argument thing is not an excuse anymore. Wii is half the price of PS3 but it sells 3 to 4 times as much as the PS3 on a week to week basis. X360 is cheaper than Wii but X360 gets outsold by Wii by 2 to 3 times on a week to week basis.


Tell me. Why the hell 360 sales Increase due to price cut? Price DOES Matter. Anyway 360 fanboys always say that people would rather save 200$ So even they use the Price Arguement. It works both ways you know, 360 fanboys cant have it so it suits them.

So the increase in sales when AAA titles were released has nothing to do with it? NXE has nothing to do with it, XBL has nothing to do with it, Holidays have nothing to do with it?

I mean it's just the Price, that's it, nothing more, nothing, not a single thing.. but the price... the 360 has no games, it has nothing going for it at all, people are just morons and buy a system to just look at... wth are people thinking...

I mean the only 360 on the market is the Arcade 360.

The Pro and Elite were all canceled and MS no longer makes them.

When all is said and done.... the 360 is still out selling the PS3, crying about the price of the 360 is not going to help PS3 sales..







Yes of course games etc will increase the sales. but the SINGLE biggest factor is price

and this is bad because ??

Did I Say it was bad? Im just saying that the 360 is outsleling PS3 because of Price. 360 fanboys seem to forget that PS3 outsold 360 for 8+ Months og this year AT A HIGHER Price. But then 360 got price cut so it was EVEN cheaper than PS3. That is what im saying

Around the Network
DMeisterJ said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
DMeisterJ said:

360 and PS3 are being outsold by Wii at a steady clip, and being happy in this moment means you also need to realize that you're being outsold 2:1 also, so what does that make you (not you, but 'you')

Wut? what do you mean.

I mean, don't celebrate outselling PS3 2:1 when you're being outsold by the Wii 2:1.

And I didn't mean anyone in general, but I had to say "you".


I dont know why folks keep mentioning the wii.

I mean it doesnt even play the games you can play on ps360.

No offence to wii owners myself included but you cannot compare the wii to ps360 just because it sells bucketloads.


Apples and oranges imo.





ymeaga1n said:
Max King of the Wild said:
dhummel said:
Max King of the Wild said:
ymeaga1n said:
Max King of the Wild said:

 I wasn't the one who started the nearly arguement. I just said 100k difference doesnt equal double then the people tried to use "nut he said nearly" as a defence and that is just a cop out. You'd actually have some standing if I was the one trying to discredit the OP by splitting hairs though... but it is infamy and the others who are.(You're last sentance is saying I was the one who was arguing the words when thats not that case) didn't read the title of the thread you were posting it? It says nearly right in the title.


My point proven?

How is your point proven? The sequence of events you bolded were wrong, as proven by the second point you bolded! Unbelievable.

I recognize Max's line of argument in attempting to argue semantics instead of content. I agree with an earlier poster - it's pathetic when the best Max and co can do is claim the adjective to describe 360's pouncing on PS3 is too strong. An adjective like "almost" might do the trick. The 360 almost doubled PS3 sales this week. Victory is sweet, huh Max?

 whats with all these low post count noobs trying to argue with me and being completely wrong? Like i said previously. I had 2 other points everyone seems to ignore... obviously the best you guys can try and do is discredit me by only paying attention to one point.... and its funny how you guys are trying to tell me im trying to argue semantics when.... are you ready for the irony? THATS WHAT YOU GUYS ARE DOING TO TRY AND DISCREDIT ME!!!! GASP!

LOL hypocrits. Arguing semantics and saying i only have semantics to argue about....

Don't get too excited, the post count isn't a measure of intelligence, mister I registered less than 2 months ago. Try looking at when I registered on this site and when you did. 

You're two other points are shit:

2. " ... so we are posting threads congradulating consoles for weaker performances now?"

You're comparing this weeks sales to black friday sales week. Are you that ignorant or confused?

3. shouldnt this be in a weekly sales thread?

If you've got a problem with it report it to the mod and explain your opinion that it should be in weekly sales thread.  



 Ok... thats when I stopped reading because I know for a fact we already went through this.

Max King of the Wild said:
ymeaga1n said:
Max King of the Wild said:
dhummel said:
Max King of the Wild said:

My point proven?

How is your point proven? The sequence of events you bolded were wrong, as proven by the second point you bolded! Unbelievable.

I recognize Max's line of argument in attempting to argue semantics instead of content. I agree with an earlier poster - it's pathetic when the best Max and co can do is claim the adjective to describe 360's pouncing on PS3 is too strong. An adjective like "almost" might do the trick. The 360 almost doubled PS3 sales this week. Victory is sweet, huh Max?

 whats with all these low post count noobs trying to argue with me and being completely wrong? Like i said previously. I had 2 other points everyone seems to ignore... obviously the best you guys can try and do is discredit me by only paying attention to one point.... and its funny how you guys are trying to tell me im trying to argue semantics when.... are you ready for the irony? THATS WHAT YOU GUYS ARE DOING TO TRY AND DISCREDIT ME!!!! GASP!

LOL hypocrits. Arguing semantics and saying i only have semantics to argue about....

Don't get too excited, the post count isn't a measure of intelligence, mister I registered less than 2 months ago. Try looking at when I registered on this site and when you did. 

You're two other points are shit:

2. " ... so we are posting threads congradulating consoles for weaker performances now?"

You're comparing this weeks sales to black friday sales week. Are you that ignorant or confused?

3. shouldnt this be in a weekly sales thread?

If you've got a problem with it report it to the mod and explain your opinion that it should be in weekly sales thread.  



 Ok... thats when I stopped reading because I know for a fact we already went through this.

Yeah it was "Created: 19th Dec 07", still after me so I don't know no why you bother bringing it up. You don't see me parading around vgchartz saying people that registered after me don't know as much about gaming. 

Second time I've caught you using someone elses "post count" in an agrument against them. Learn how to argue properly, or when to not argue, and you won't need to play that card so often.

It's okay, I know you read my response to 2 other points you were touting, but have no response for them.

^ i never said they didn't know as much about gaming with a lower post count and thats when I stopped reading again. you might as well not respond with anything more than a sentance (if at all) unless you say somethin within the first sentance to get me to read the whole thing.

Around the Network
reask said:
DMeisterJ said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
DMeisterJ said:

360 and PS3 are being outsold by Wii at a steady clip, and being happy in this moment means you also need to realize that you're being outsold 2:1 also, so what does that make you (not you, but 'you')

Wut? what do you mean.

I mean, don't celebrate outselling PS3 2:1 when you're being outsold by the Wii 2:1.

And I didn't mean anyone in general, but I had to say "you".

I dont know why folks keep mentioning the wii.

I mean it doesnt even play the games you can play on ps360.

No offence to wii owners myself included but you cannot compare the wii to ps360 just because it sells bucketloads.

You sound like Microsoft.

Completely ignoring the Wii to make your success bigger.

Max King of the Wild said:
^ i never said they didn't know as much about gaming with a lower post count and thats when I stopped reading again. you might as well not respond with anything more than a sentance (if at all) unless you say somethin within the first sentance to get me to read the whole thing.

What's a matter, my statement got you all upset? You're blowing hot air. If you don't have the courage to reply to my post after I read all the BS in your posts...just stop hitting the reply button. Walk away... I won't tell anyone.

ymeaga1n said:
Max King of the Wild said:
^ i never said they didn't know as much about gaming with a lower post count and thats when I stopped reading again. you might as well not respond with anything more than a sentance (if at all) unless you say somethin within the first sentance to get me to read the whole thing.

What's a matter, my statement got you all upset? You're blowing hot air. If you don't have the courage to reply to my post after I read all the BS in your posts...just stop hitting the reply button. Walk away... I won't tell anyone.


 again when I stopped reading. No you didn't get me upset at all but the second I find a post so redundant as yours I stop reading because it's not worth my valuable time. (unless I'm getting something out of it like a few laughs) Seriously, the second I see something so rediculous such as your responses and realize i just dont give a fuck about what your saying is the second I stop reading. Now congradulations, you just got on my list of just skipping your posts from now on. You respond to me I wont even read it so don't waste your breathe.

Zlejedi said:
XanderZane said:
reask said:

Well acording to vg 360 sales this week are nearly 2 to 1 in favour of 360.


Oh Oh


It's been 2:1 for the last 4 weeks basically. Nothing has changed.

Actually it's lower than previous weeks



Last week XBox 360 had 642K worldwide sales and PS3 347K for a difference of 295K in XBox 360 favor.

This week XBox 360 has 739K worldwide sales and PS3 has 415K for a difference of 324K in XBox 360 favor.

How is that getting lower? The diference between sales is growing and it's still almost 2:1 worldwide.


Max King of the Wild said:
ymeaga1n said:
Max King of the Wild said:
^ i never said they didn't know as much about gaming with a lower post count and thats when I stopped reading again. you might as well not respond with anything more than a sentance (if at all) unless you say somethin within the first sentance to get me to read the whole thing.

What's a matter, my statement got you all upset? You're blowing hot air. If you don't have the courage to reply to my post after I read all the BS in your posts...just stop hitting the reply button. Walk away... I won't tell anyone.


 again when I stopped reading. No you didn't get me upset at all but the second I find a post so redundant as yours I stop reading because it's not worth my valuable time. (unless I'm getting something out of it like a few laughs) Seriously, the second I see something so rediculous such as your responses and realize i just dont give a fuck about what your saying is the second I stop reading. Now congradulations, you just got on my list of just skipping your posts from now on. You respond to me I wont even read it so don't waste your breathe.

Good idea on your part. Safe face and beat it already. 

Remove Maxx and his ignorant opinion from thread....CHECK