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Max King of the Wild said:
ymeaga1n said:
Max King of the Wild said:
dhummel said:
Max King of the Wild said:

My point proven?

How is your point proven? The sequence of events you bolded were wrong, as proven by the second point you bolded! Unbelievable.

I recognize Max's line of argument in attempting to argue semantics instead of content. I agree with an earlier poster - it's pathetic when the best Max and co can do is claim the adjective to describe 360's pouncing on PS3 is too strong. An adjective like "almost" might do the trick. The 360 almost doubled PS3 sales this week. Victory is sweet, huh Max?

 whats with all these low post count noobs trying to argue with me and being completely wrong? Like i said previously. I had 2 other points everyone seems to ignore... obviously the best you guys can try and do is discredit me by only paying attention to one point.... and its funny how you guys are trying to tell me im trying to argue semantics when.... are you ready for the irony? THATS WHAT YOU GUYS ARE DOING TO TRY AND DISCREDIT ME!!!! GASP!

LOL hypocrits. Arguing semantics and saying i only have semantics to argue about....

Don't get too excited, the post count isn't a measure of intelligence, mister I registered less than 2 months ago. Try looking at when I registered on this site and when you did. 

You're two other points are shit:

2. " ... so we are posting threads congradulating consoles for weaker performances now?"

You're comparing this weeks sales to black friday sales week. Are you that ignorant or confused?

3. shouldnt this be in a weekly sales thread?

If you've got a problem with it report it to the mod and explain your opinion that it should be in weekly sales thread.  



 Ok... thats when I stopped reading because I know for a fact we already went through this.

Yeah it was "Created: 19th Dec 07", still after me so I don't know no why you bother bringing it up. You don't see me parading around vgchartz saying people that registered after me don't know as much about gaming. 

Second time I've caught you using someone elses "post count" in an agrument against them. Learn how to argue properly, or when to not argue, and you won't need to play that card so often.

It's okay, I know you read my response to 2 other points you were touting, but have no response for them.