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Forums - Sales Discussion - Did Haze kill Free Radical?

No Free Radical killed Free Radical. HD development helped in that process, but they released an unsuccessful game while having multiple projects in the works. That's a moronic decision and never should have been there in the first place.

Haze didn't help considering it wasn't successful from a profit standpoint, but this happens all the times with developers. They should know that you can't continue heavy development if that happens and need to size down on resources and people. Something they apparently didn't do.

I think other than Free Radical, the only other thing you could blame is HD development but we already understand the problems that is causing the industry.

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That's what you get for calling halo"Child's play", and making HAZE Exclusive, but yeah anyways Timesplitters 2 was great for the gamecube,TS1 was medicore on the playstation.

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

Wasn't that the first Halo killer? J/K I agree with Zucas as many of the most successful dev's are careful not to have too many projects going on at one time, I.E. Bungie, Bethesda etc



4 ≈ One

Riachu said:
Kasz216 said:
This is why huge development budgets are really bad.

Even a great team can make a bad game.

When you lose your shirt because of one bad game... it's a shame.

Free Radical should've just waited until Haze was polished before even setting a real release date to ensure quality.


 If you assume infinite resources thi makes sense. Given limited resources though there is eventually a point where you just have to release a game or scrap it and throw away the money you put into making it. Haze likely got pushed out in hopes of recovering as much of the development cost as possible while knowing the game would suck.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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I wonder if FRD would still be alive if they would have made Haze a Xbox 360 exclusive. I mean, it would still be the same crappy game but it would have a wider audience and the development costs would have been lower.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Gnizmo said:
Riachu said:
Kasz216 said:
This is why huge development budgets are really bad.

Even a great team can make a bad game.

When you lose your shirt because of one bad game... it's a shame.

Free Radical should've just waited until Haze was polished before even setting a real release date to ensure quality.


If you assume infinite resources thi makes sense. Given limited resources though there is eventually a point where you just have to release a game or scrap it and throw away the money you put into making it. Haze likely got pushed out in hopes of recovering as much of the development cost as possible while knowing the game would suck.

Polishing a game doesn't require much resources.  Making the game does.  Polishing a game that was technically already finished doesn't really cost much to my knowledge.


They better make Time Splitters 4, or people will die.

Ubisoft paid for Haze, not Free Radical. The only problem Haze could cause is problems with getting other publisher's to sign the dotted line for their future games.

SamuelRSmith said:
Ubisoft paid for Haze, not Free Radical. The only problem Haze could cause is problems with getting other publisher's to sign the dotted line for their future games.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure when the developer and publishers of a game are seperate, it's the latter that pays for development of the game, right?