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appolose said:
Wow, what's with the Wii?


 No one wants those things.

Around the Network

Given these sales the 360 will probably pass a million units sold when Star Ocean 4 launches on the console in the middle of February. How about that the game will probably pop up the sales, and break that milestone for Microsoft. What fun would that be Microsoft should reach a million before Sony reaches three million. A small achievement, but an interesting one.

WiiStation360 said:
FishyJoe said:
Holy crap, the DS is already over a million and we don't even have the Americas yet.

I sense a 2M + week for the DS.  (or at least close)


Could be... and if it is, the DS could have 3 weeks over 2 million this Christmas, making it 4 in total (one last year) which considering no other console has ever done it will be amazing (although the Wii has a chance at 1 or 2 weeks over 2m too)


colonelstubbs said:
Is the PS3 going to be stuck around the 30,000 mark forever?

Next week  PS3 numbers will grow because of Gundam Musou 2.


Dodece said:
Given these sales the 360 will probably pass a million units sold when Star Ocean 4 launches on the console in the middle of February. How about that the game will probably pop up the sales, and break that milestone for Microsoft. What fun would that be Microsoft should reach a million before Sony reaches three million. A small achievement, but an interesting one.

Wouldn't the achievement be if MS passed 1 mil before Sony?

Sorry, I just don't see the achievement in passing a mil when you're selling 1/3 of what your competitor is.


Around the Network

Holy crap, nice boost for the Wii! 360 and PS3 seems stable at their current sales level and DS is madness, as usual!

whats the most DS has ever sold in one week? anyone know?

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

DMeisterJ said:
Dodece said:
Given these sales the 360 will probably pass a million units sold when Star Ocean 4 launches on the console in the middle of February. How about that the game will probably pop up the sales, and break that milestone for Microsoft. What fun would that be Microsoft should reach a million before Sony reaches three million. A small achievement, but an interesting one.

Wouldn't the achievement be if MS passed 1 mil before Sony?

Sorry, I just don't see the achievement in passing a mil when you're selling 1/3 of what your competitor is.


it would be quite an achievement for microsoft to even sell one third of what sony sells in its home territory when you think about how bad they got slaughtered their last generation. sure it won't be this huge party or anything but after what happened last gen any progress in japan for MS is good news

I wonder when the DS will hit 70% market share... it has 80% so far this week.


To lavish praise upon this title, the assumption of a common plateau between player and game must be made.  I won't open my unworthy mouth.

Christian (+50).  Arminian(+20). AG adherent(+20). YEC(+20). Pre-tribulation Pre-milleniumist (+10).  Republican (+15) Capitalist (+15).  Pro-Nintendo (+5).  Misc. stances (+30).  TOTAL SCORE: 195 <---- Fun theology quiz
colonelstubbs said:
Is the PS3 going to be stuck around the 30,000 mark forever?


 This time last year it was selling average of 50k (in fact over 60k for the same week last year). Think we thought it would stay that high forever back then!

On an interesting point it is quite funny reading peoples views on Japan. A few months back when 360 was in front people were saying "Japan is dead sales wise now", but because the PS3 is back ahead of it selling 100% less then this time last year it is now "Japan is turning to the PS3". You have to laugh :)